on friday i went kayaking with work - all of us in the office are split into community practice groups (or practice community groups, i'm never sure), which are basically social groups for doing fun stuff during work hours. and the fun stuff on friday was kayaking on the charles river, with a stop at a bar for snacks and drinks afterwards. following the snacks were tiny desserts, so i didn't even have to eat dinner. yay. we had two-person kayaks, and myself and the other girl in mine - a tax associate! who rowed in college - spent a lot of time trying to course-correct, because we kept drifting in the wrong direction. also we got kind of wet. there might have been some splashing. it was a nice way to end the week.
and yesterday i built furniture! the delivery guys from ikea showed up at 9:20, which was a little earlier than i was planning, and
tamalinn came over in between looking at apartments and helped me put the thing together.
before! with ikea boxes.
and filled up!
very exciting. :D
and today i did a lot of nothing, altho i did manage to leave the house for a. groceries, b. laundry, and c. a nice walk.
friday was national dog day, so i hope you told the dogs in your life that you love them. (if you have dogs in your life.)
also! there's a
smallfandombang for those of you in tiny fandoms. it's a big bang for a small fandom. :D