someday i will stop posting late at night. that someday is not now.

Jul 14, 2016 02:02

What I just finished reading:
harpist in the wind, which on balance i think i liked slightly less than heir of sea and fire. it's really beautifully written, tho, and i enjoyed that.

What I am reading now:
the next big one, by derek des anges aka apiphile, which i am thoroughly enjoying. i read it when it was a nanonovel - every morning there was a new installment to read on the bus - and while i'm starting to remember bits of the plot and a bunch of characters, i don't remember it well enough to recognize what derek changed and what he didn't. so i'm expecting to be surprised. :D

it's about a journalism student who's assigned to write an article on a new and exciting and fatal virus, which his sister (i think she's his sister) has been infected with. it's partly about the virus and what the guy discovers about it, and it's partly about him and his school life and his non-school life and his friends and roommate (and his roommate's very fluffy cat) and family and all his issues. it has a bit of a sense of humor and is exceptionally, effortlessly diverse, and even tho i have to read the sciencey bits more than once - virology really isn't my thing - i really, really like it. it's also a big book, so i should be reading it for a while.

What I'm going to read next:
the avengers, by rich cohen, if i can remember where i put it. >.<

so i killed a tree today. >.< with the help of some of the tax associates, but still. (giant tax return. five state returns of normal lengths, but with the federal return as an attachment, and the federal return was probably in the vicinity of 1000 pages. it was no lie two reams of paper to print one copy.) i need to send some nature conservancy some money to make up for all the paper. at least i got some help. the people in tax are a generally helpful bunch.

i was so freakin' tired when i got home that i had to take a nap before dinner, and that was weird.

mr robot s2 started tonight and i think i know what's going on! on the surface, anyway. the deeper stuff requires more viewings. altho not tonight, because i should be in bed.

dan aykroyd's great-grandfather was a ghostbuster. well, he was a spiritualist with a fondness for seances. but he was very interested in ghostly manifestations and ectoplasm. sound familiar? :D

faroe islanders got tired of waiting for google to come photograph the island for google street view, so they attached cameras to sheep for a, er, sheep's-eye view.

masdar city: a half-finished eco-city in the middle of the desert. it was supposed to be the world's most sustainable city, with zero emissions and zero carbon footprint, except it hasn't been finished and only three hundred people live there. it's kinda creepy.

and speaking of architecture, there's a frank lloyd wright house in chicago that's actually affordable! ish. it's an american system-built house, which was wright's first attempt to design affordable houses - the wood was pre-cut to make them cheaper. there are more pics of some of his other prefab houses here.

a year ago new horizons was approaching pluto. that's still the coolest thing.

frank lloyd wright, mr robot, architectural wtf, sheep, new job second floor, wednesday reading meme, ghostbusters, googlemaps, pluto

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