also i have to answer the comments people are leaving on my bigbang

Jun 28, 2016 01:29

something happened today that i thought was worth repeating and i have absolutely no recollection what it was. >.< have a neat picture of jupiter's clouds until i remember.

brexit continues to be completely fascinating and a total clusterfuck. no one has any clue what to do now, do they. even the politicians who stumped so hard for leaving are utterly without plan. well, scotland has a plan, and that's "independence is starting to look like a good idea...."

oh, i remember - the supreme court did texas women a solid and struck down the state's hyper restrictive abortion regulations. they asked the state to provide proof that their "we're going to make abortion as difficult as possible and claim it's for women's health" rules were actually, you know, helping, and... the state couldn't do it.

in another decision that actually genuinely seems to take women's safety into account, scotus also ruled that if you've been convicted of a misdemeanor for domestic violence, you can't own any firearms. domestic violence advocates everywhere cheered.

yesterday i acquired some random fancy serving things from my parents, including a glass plate shaped like a fish, a silver serving platter that belonged to my grandparents, and a toast server, which i will never use because i don't really eat toast, but which i thought was cool. i also repacked a lot of stuff from some boxes and put it in plastic storage bins instead, to make it easier to, well, store.

all my stuff is leaving my parents' house on the seventh, and coming to my tiny apartment. i'm not ready. i need to get rid of a side table.

look at these tiny things! including tiny photos and tiny x-rays and tiny books and tiny postcards! i have a tiny need.

also, tiny scenes of the post-apocalypse, which i might have shared before but which can stand to be shared again. i mean, come on, it's tiny things and post-apocalypses - it's totally in my wheelhouse.

this past weekend was pride in london (and chicago and probably some other places), at which a city cop proposed to his boyfriend. all together now - awww. ^_^

brexit, post-apocalypse, scotus, tiny things, outer space, old stuff, i can't believe my parents are moving, gay marriage, abortion

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