today it drizzled and i was the humid bunny

May 03, 2016 00:00

happy slightly late birthday to miriad, new(ish) mommy and returner to lj! this calls for cake that you don't have to share. :D (altho does the kid have teeth yet?)

dancing boys: *conga line*

people cleared out at work enough for me to take a picture of the flowers i got for being an administrative professional.

saturday i had brunch with two women from my writing group, the wife of one of them, and their very cute kid (omelette, homefries, no toast :D ), and then because it was somerville open studios we went to farwing's open studio and admired her art. then everyone else went home and i saw a condo for sale (nice place, comparatively big basement, waaaay beyond my budget), a live-work studio for sale (also waaaay beyond my budget), and a bunch of artists' studios. i had a short and interesting conversation with a printer who asked me if i was an artist, to which i said no, i'm really, really not, but i think the whole process of making art is really fascinating. and i got my one new comic (saga) and a pair of sushi socks that really only look like sushi when they're rolled up

and a nanoblock chrysler building and walked a lot. the weather was soooo nice.

on the way into the square i saw a toaster:

and on the way home i saw the world's friendliest squirrels.

and then i had chinese takeout for dinner to celebrate the end of passover and the return of bread, and i finished my bigbang! well, the first draft, and believe me when i say that it is the firstiest draft that ever firsted, altho they always are. i rewrote the summary a couple times, settled on a title, sent it in. now i need to edit. eventually. take stuff out, put stuff in, the usual. artists' claims are sunday. no points for figuring out which summary is mine.

yesterday i did not go through shit in my parents' basement! mainly because my sister and i took them out for their anniversary. (said anniversary was a month ago. never let it be said we did something on time when we could put it off. >.< ) it was also their open house - have i mentioned that they started telling people they're moving, which means i can now tell people they're moving? no one let on that i've been telling people that since january - so we had to be scarce until some time after two.

my mom is involved in some localish interfaith organization (there's an islamic center across the street from the temple my parents belong to) and they had a speaker yesterday afternoon, so mom and i went. the speaker mostly talked about being a moderate muslim and what that means (basically moderation in all things), and then her husband talked about cultural variations in mosques and muslim dress, and then we had food. :D there were dishes from various muslim countries (india, turkey, iran, malaysia, morocco, afghanistan) and it was DELISH.

eventually i came home and watched elementary - TONY CURRAN AS A VILLAIN - and it was a good day.

and then today was a certain amount of make-work busywork at work. which, eh, it was a monday, whatever. thursday i'm going to philadelphia to see cacw with chaneen and @jane_anon and one of chaneen's friends, and i'm driving because i'm a little crazy and the bus coming home is inconvenient. there's nothing like squeeing with friends and fellow fangirls, y'know?

what it's like to be the onstar voice - aside from the fact that sometimes you get to talk someone through having a baby in the car.

super cute hedgehog earrings and equally cute stickers. in case you needed some hedges in your life. and doesn't everyone need a little hedge in their life?

elementary, fun with fangirls, bigbang 2016, cool shit, neighborliness, fun with friends, psa, family fun, somerville open studios, weekend wrapup, hedgies

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