i'm not hungry but i could eat

Nov 27, 2015 01:19

happy thanksgiving to the americans on the flist, and to everyone else, a very happy thursday. :D

and to savageseraph, a happy birthday! i hope it was a good one and that you got some personalized attention (if you want it), even tho you had to share your birthday with a turkey.

dancing boys: *shake a tailfeather*

turkey tailfeathers, natch. :D

we went to a restaurant for thanksgiving this year - my cousin's wife who made the reservation was given to understand that it would be really crowded, and it wasn't - the turkey was moist and yummy and the yams were sweet and the mashed potatoes were delish and the salad was delish and the stuffing... wasn't. i think i just like a more solid, bready stuffing. it tasted like it was made with sourdough, which i think is a totally valid stuffing ingredient, but not my thing. my sister finished mine, tho, so it didn't go to waste. :D and i brought home a doggie bag, because i could.

afterwards we went to my cousin's house for dessert and a walk, which we did first to make room for all the pie.

my cousin's wife: you know captain america?
me: *wonders if i can squee and flail with anyone about the cacw trailer* chris evans?
her: *points* that's his mom's house.

so captain america's mom lives around the corner from my cousin. it didn't look like anyone was home, so there was no point in me going up to the front door and ringing the bell and waiting for chris to answer. which is probably a good thing, because i'm not sure i could cope with his actual physical presence in my space.

of the pies, the apple was the best, altho the pumpkin, while kinda soupy, was super tasty. and as a bonus, i got home in time to watch elementary.

i kinda want some of the leftover turkey in my fridge, altho i'm not exactly hungry, and i need to write a bunch of words for the nanonovel before bed. and i should save the turkey for breakfast tomorrow. leftovers make the best breakfast.

chris evans, psa, thanksgiving

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