ate candy, saw kids in costume, it was all good

Nov 03, 2015 20:49

happy (very late >.< ) birthdays to wendy, coveter of moose, and apiphile, wearer of light-up gold shoes. an unbirthday calls for cake. :D

dancing boys and girls: *two-step*

nanowrimo is upon us! good luck to everyone else who's doing it. *\o/* *\o/* you can do it! i'm still trying to figure out what my story's actually about. if you're curious it's at smackenzie but do not feel obligated to read it because, again, i have no idea what the actual story is. >.<

on sunday i spent upwards of four hours with the family unit looking at old slides. there were a lot of me and my sister when we were wee, which meant a lot of my parents looking very, uh, let's say "vintage". (my mom had eye-bleedingly bright pucci ski pants and she was not afraid to wear them.) there was one pic of us that i think was from an arizona cousin's bar or bat mitzvah, and when it came up on the projector, me, my mom, and my sister cracked the fuck up at how 70s my dad looked. (i don't think he was amused. we however were dying.) i'll try and scan it this weekend so i can share.

there were also a bunch of prom pics of me, and at the risk of sounding arrogant, i saw them and thought "hot damn, i looked good". it helped that a professional did my hair. :D

my sister and i were so, so cute as small children. and i feel i can say that without sounding arrogant, because so many people are so cute as small children.

saturday i drove down to new york to see dear-tiger before she takes off for warmer climes, and instead of taking five and half hours to get there, it took less than four. there was NO TRAFFIC in connecticut. there is ALWAYS traffic in connecticut. it was a little weird. we walked around, we had lunch (korean bbq, which was fun and tasty even tho we got a whole crab and had no idea how to eat it) (the only whole crabs i've ever had were soft-shell and fried), we watched halloween-themed movies - the curse of the were-rabbit, which was funny and really cute, and the devil's backbone, which was both less creepy and way more sad than i was expecting. when we were walking around we passed a grocery with giant stalks of sugar cane out in front, and i did the white tourist thing (tiger lives near a very chinese part of queens) and had to take a picture, because i've never seen sugar cane in the wild like that. fun was had, grapes were et, sebastian stan's terrible winter soldier hair might have come up in conversation because i can't help myself. ahem.

we saw a lot of small children in costume, a few parents in costume, and a whole family dressed in dia de los muertos sugar skull fashion. they looked amazing. and i'd brought a bag of mini snickers, so we could eat halloween candy while we watched our halloween movies. so i think overall it was a successful halloween. and the weather was nice, which is always nice when you have to walk for twenty minutes to get to lunch.

in totally other news, i have now seen all of the pilot and the second episode of supergirl, and i like it! the "girl power!" message is kind of heavy-handed, but it's still early days and overall the show is just so damn cute. kara/supergirl herself is completely adorable. (here's melissa benoist trying to answer questions about the show while being surrounded by costumed puppies.) i was kind of eh about it before - i wanted it to do well but i didn't feel compelled to watch it - but i'm glad i thought i needed to check out the pilot.

this went around twitter yesterday, but if you didn't see it and need a laugh, the bloggess tweeted about an embarrassing thing she did, and folks tweeted their embarrassing moments in response. i read it late last night when i should have been in bed, and i may or may not have stopped breathing i was laughing so hard.

cute boy bad hair, halloween, nanowrimo, fun with fangirls, psa, family fun, funny, new york, supergirl, weekend wrapup

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