dinner was et, fun was had

Sep 22, 2015 00:42

happydork and
such_heights are in town on their honeymoon, so i met them for dinner and got to hear about their wedding and see some wedding pics and talk about things that aren't weddings. it was just really, really nice. and i ate too much and still have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. (i got brisket. there was slightly more than i was expecting.) (and it has just occurred to me that since tomorrow night is the night of yom kippur, i might be eating brisket again, because that's just what jews eat at holidays. i hope we have chicken.)

anyway. work was work and i'm still nervous about losing my job. i spent my lunch hour talking to a couple of recruiters at the employment agency that got me the job in the first place, and i think they were good meetings but i don't hold out a lot of hope. i suck at job hunting.

in other news, i got home too late to see minority report, but i did catch blindspot and i think i like it. i'm definitely intrigued enough to watch next week. there is no way jaimie alexander fit in that duffel bag, tho.

is anyone watching the bastard executioner? i'm not sure what i think about it, other than i keep expecting the executioner to be cuter.

the bastard exectioner, fun with friends, blindspot, new job big office

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