work was soooo slow today, and then i came back from lunch and there was stuff to do! exciting.
What I just finished reading:
as simple as hunger, by d des anges, aka
apiphile, which i liked a lot. just don't ask me what it's about, because aside from "politics and love and friendship and giant scorpions", i'm not sure i could explain it. (i actually
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I'm so ready to turn a smallish nursery space in my bedroom into my own space....but I don't have TEH INTERWEBZ there....
You writing? Should we do a prompt warm-up for NaNo?
coincidentally, i saw this on a writer's blog: a chamber of screams of one's own, which is about... finding a writing space you can work in. (i assume the screaming is optional.) (and also not your own screams.)
i am writing, in fact! altho it's either next year's bigbang (because why wait) or a ~sekrit project~, and i can't share either of those yet. i've been thinking about nano, tho, and am always up for prompts. are you doing nano? what are you thinking? or is that why you need prompt warm-ups?
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