i am so chill you could keep a side of meat in me for a month

Aug 21, 2015 01:06

so i had today off, because i haven't taken any time off work (that wasn't me leaving early for a holiday) since january, and i had no idea what to do with myself. i didn't even get dressed and leave the house until after two. it was niiiice. and then i walked down to the square so i could pick up a prescription and sit in the diesel cafe and read for like two hours. which was also niiiice. after that i just sat outside for a little bit because it was still sunny and there was a breeze and i didn't want to go home but didn't have anything else to do. it was a such a chill day.

i also took tomorrow off and am going to new york to a. do some touristy shit (by which i mean, ride the staten island ferry :D ), b. meet no-detective for dinner, c. tour a fabulous-looking church that used to be a movie palace, and d. see hedwig and the angry inch with chaneen and someone whose online name(s) i don't know. it's supposed to rain tomorrow. :| should be fun otherwise, tho. i mean, come on, fangirls and nifty architecture! there's no bad there.

...have i really not taken any pto since january? how can that be right?

also, i got the throw pillows for my future couch.

maybe i should pull back a bit....

now for mr robot.

that got very fight club-y, didn't it. i was kind of expecting it after last week, tho. now i want to go back and rewatch all the scenes with elliot and mr robot to see if anyone else treats them as two separate people.

oh, wait, when elliot broke into green mountain or whatever that place was, where he ran into tyrell and had to fiddle with the climate control, wasn't mr robot in the car with the other two guys, feeding him information/advice/etc?

i now have a preliminary title for next year's bigbang (yay) and a totally new plot bunny that was actually an original fic idea first. >.< that one may or may not ever be written - as original or rps - as it's set in the late 70s/early 80s in new york and i'd have to do research. which, well. if i wasn't looking shit up i wouldn't be me, but i'd like a contemporary plot bunny every once in a while. well, part of me wants to write the previously mentioned barbershop/hair salon au myself, and that's contemporary. but still.

i finally put the moose and mayhem on ao3 and have actually gotten some comments! shocker! i even got some kudos for older fics. (i have opinions about kudos and they're not always nice ones, but to be honest i like the fact that they tell me when people are reading my old fics.)

relative speeds of scifi spacecraft plus an assortment of really fast superheroes.

cosplay at boston comic con - i didn't even know there was a comic con in boston until that saturday, when i went to the comic shop and one of the guys asked if i was going. i said "uh... i didn't know there was a con this weekend". i think the stag/wendigo (with bonus will graham) is my favorite, altho dark helmet is also pretty fun. and i love that any comic con pic of deadpool is always a group of deadpools. like, do they travel in packs?

mr robot, moose and mayhem, furniture, plot bunnies, bigbang 2016, scifi, cosplay, new york, ao3, free time

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