is there a bagpiper appreciation day?

Jul 28, 2015 00:14

yesterday i went to my parents' house to avail myself of their washing machine - they were on vacation - and while i was out that way i went to the mall, and while i was in the mall i went into the yankee candle co to smell the candle that smells like chris evans your boyfriend, if your boyfriend smelled like flannel and pine and mountain air and steve rogers ripping a log in half with his bare hands. so of course a salesperson asks if i need any help, and i say no, i just wanted to smell the mountain lodge candle. (because i can't tell her this is the closest i'm ever going to get to smelling chris evans.)

her: it's the boyfriend candle.
me: why yes, yes it is.

i love that the yankee candle co has caught on to the meme and is totally running with it.

there was also a vanilla bourbon candle that i had to smell, and it smelled like dessert and there is no fucking way i could ever have that candle in my house because i would be hungry all the time.

in totally other less-smelly news, i need to be writing something to submit to writing group and i just. can't. make. myself. >.< and i want to be writing something! there's danny&lily, and jack&quince, and next year's bigbang, and a random timestamp for this year's bigbang (i kind of want the boys to come to boston for a supershort vacation), and random bits attached to the pirate story i wrote for nano 2013, and a couple of very, very old characters who bleodswean's novella seems to have resurrected, and there's always going to be something on tumblr that pokes me in the right way.

did i ever mention that i got the idea for the moose and mayhem from a tumblr post? because i did.

so anyway. i keep wanting to yell "brain! settle!" and then i want to use some of my copious free time at work to push something out. not that i have, but i want to.

today is apparently bagpipe appreciation day. i'll be over here appreciating the bagpipers. :D

modernist sand castles - these are really, really cool.

bagpipes, sand castles, chris evans, writing argh, yankee candle co, plot bunnies

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