a lot of stuff and things, and also thor

Mar 25, 2015 20:48

o my flist, i feel like so much has happened since i last posted, but i don't think that much has. i saw cee_m on saturday, since she was here for muskratjamboree. she wanted to go to the fluevog store, so we did, and she bought some really cute shoes and i mostly enabled. :D it was snowing and i had to apologize. we went to harvard square and had lunch and talked about fannish stuff and things (wincon!) - can i just say that it's really nice to be able to talk about fandom in general in person? - and i took her to my comic shop and we even had time to walk by the ENTIRELY RANDOM three curling sheets that harvard has set up on what really look like shuffleboard courts. but there were some curling stones out and people trying to throw them, so of course i had to throw a few even tho a. i was wearing TOTALLY the wrong shoes, and b. you're supposed to curl on ice, not concrete shuffleboard courts. but i had a good laugh at myself and i think mary did too. :D and then i went back to the hotel with her because there's an art supply store down the street from it and i wanted to look at their paper because i offered to make a blank book for the wincon indiegogo fundraiser, and someone bought it. so now i have some cover paper and just have to figure out how to make ruled paper (like in a moleskine) for the pages.

last month my cousin was supposed to have a birthday party, only it was canceled on account of snow. (because everything was.) it was rescheduled for this past sunday, at 7:30 at night, which i thought was such a weird time to have a party. it was at a restaurant. we had drinks and nibbles and little desserts and i got to see other cousins i never get to see, and i actually got kind of dressed up (ie, i wore a dress) (!!!), and it was fun. and there was no snow. :D

and work is boring. and my bigbang proceeds apace. and i want to write something this month that i can share with the rest of the world. and i met gnomi for lunch yesterday and we talked about writing, which is always a good time. and i have a lot of a pumpkin loaf with chocolate chips in my fridge and i am going to finish it before passover so help me pumpkin god. i do not actually think this will be a problem. and i owe some people emails, and if you're one of them, i suck.

justified last night was a lot of "OMG" and "you are so cute" (about raylan and tim) and "i really hate your hair" (about jonathan tucker's character, because seriously, what the hell). i'm both excited and apprehensive as hell about how it's going to end. (i have no idea how it's going to end. but i'm excited and nervous to find out.) izombie continues to be cute. who else is watching it? and since the 100 is on hiatus, i can actually watch criminal minds tonight. woot.

so, like, two months ago i enlisted some help in picking out an avengers phone charm. it came last week. (from poland!)

as you can see, i went with thor. :D and mewmew.

even his back is cute. (it's the hair. :D and the bell.)

and he came with a little watercolor sketch!

i got him from nocek on tumblr. someone called thor a space labrador but i always think of him as a golden retriever. (labrathor notwithstanding.) i mean, the hair. steve is a labrador.

and speaking of steve, captain america fen who are not on tumblr (or who are but who don't follow me :D ) may or may not be interested to know that marvel managed to get his picture on a bag of doritos. i am amused enough to actually buy a bag, if i should happen to see it in the grocery store.

bookbinding, baked goods, fun with fangirls, fun with friends, justified, captain america, family fun, bigbang 2015, izombie, weekend wrapup, curling, thor

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