it's cold but i still want ice cream. that's normal, right?

Feb 25, 2015 23:28

i want to post every day this month and i've run out of things to post! you don't need to hear me whine about my internet and how my modem kept dropping the signal every couple of minutes tonight. (i finally unplugged it and am using the free-floating wifi in my neighborhood.) if a tech hadn't just come to look at it, i wouldn't be quite so pissed.

well, no, i'd still be pissed. this is bullshit.

it was actually almost warm today! shocker! altho it snowed last night - overnight - just enough to cover the old dirty snow with fresh pretty snow, but not enough to need to be shoveled. and then a lot of it melted. it's still winter, tho.

check out this time-lapse video of an $8 million dollhouse being put back together. it lives in the museum of science and industry in chicago, and getting to see it is a totally legitimate reason to go to chicago. (the dollhouse cost $500,000 to build and furnish in 1935, which would be about $8 million today.)

the best reason ever for a newspaper to withhold the name of its source.

i can't wait to post my bigbang because i can't wait for all the totally ridiculous cameos to go public. believe me when i tell you there's a lot of ridiculous, and i laugh at myself A LOT.

still processing the agent carter feels. also some implications of the end of the episode. i kinda missed peggy's hats, tho. i think the fabulous red hat just made the one appearance in the pilot. it's a great hat and we should've seen more of it. that's what they need in s2 - more ladies' hats. and more angie. :D

agent carter, chicago, tiny things, hee, snow, beaten by the technology, bigbang 2015, tiny houses

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