i'm not hungry but i want a girl scout cookie

Jan 12, 2015 23:40

i have no idea what the date is any more. i am so confused. at least i remembered that it's monday. (probably because there was a sleepy hollow rerun.... i'm going to miss it next week but based on the preview i'm pretty sure i'd be spending half the episode bitching about ichabod's hair, so i think that's ok.)

(i'm going to florida on friday to see the parental unit and eat fish and walk on the beach and most likely miss the librarians finale on sunday. and the premiere of 12 monkeys on friday. i'm super curious about that.)

in other news, spn-j2-bigbang signups are now open! bigbang season is upon us! prepare yourselves for three and a half months of flail. :D

...three and a half months. i need to know how the story ends.

220-year-old time capsule opened in boston. linking mostly for the illustrative pics, gifs, and comments. (including everyone's favorite patriotic capsicle. :D )

nasa launched a probe towards pluto that's carrying the ashes of the astrophysicist who discovered it. it's supposed to land this week. probably not going to be as dramatic as the philae lander setting down on a comet, but still, pretty nifty.

i think work is in the very end stages of hiring a receptionist. cross your fingers.

outer space, sleepy hollow: still batshit, boston, newer job boring reception, bigbang 2015

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