now i have fairytale of new york stuck in my head

Dec 26, 2014 01:16

i'm watching hot tub time machine even tho it's a terrible movie because the pull of sebastian stan's face is that strong. >.< i'm vaguely ashamed. also i swear john cusack just said he has some feels he needs to feel. o.O

today i went to my sister's house to watch the desolation of smaug in preparation for seeing the battle of the five armies in a theater, for which it turned out we'd bought tickets for the 3d show because fandango didn't SAY it was a 3d show. also the showtime on the web site was wrong. so we got to the theater bearing tickets for a showtime that didn't exist and a version of the movie we didn't want to see. so the nice girl at the customer service desk refunded the cost of the tickets and we saw the 3d showing (which was about to start) for free. and the 3d wasn't actually that bad, or that distracting. i don't really have that many thots. i was kind of disappointed, tho. it's not a movie that really needed to exist. peter jackson could've told the whole story in two movies, and five armies felt kind of slight as trilogy-enders go. i liked the big battle because i'm a sucker for a good battle scene, but otherwise it felt kind of anticlimactic, and because i remember so little of the book, i wasn't expecting smaug to die in the beginning. and i still think the tauriel/kili love story is dumb as hell. but i really liked lee pace and his battle stag, and did i mention i'm a sucker for a big battle scene?

afterwards we went out for chinese, because that's what nice jewish girls do on christmas, and now there are leftovers in my fridge that i want to snack on. not because i'm hungry, but because they're there. i mean, come on, leftover chinese, it's hard to resist.

trying to catch up on the december babble meme - for december 23 the topic was to talk about hair and why i'm so wrong for beadslut, and a. i am not wrong, b. i am not wrong, and c. it probably is terrible hair.

i need a little more guidance than just "talk about hair", ok?

and for december 25, the topic is seasonal music opinions, for ephemera, and that's a lot easier. (for "seasonal music" i'm going to assume "christmas season".) i like christmas carols. i hate hearing them in november, but in general i like carols. a couple weeks ago they had carolers in the lobby of the building where i work, and that was really nice. my favorite christmas-season song is fairytale of new york - i listened to it twice on the way to my sister's today - followed by oi to the world. probably followed by god rest ye, merry gentlemen, but i already mentioned my like of carols.

movie review, christmas, cute boy bad movie, 30 days of december babble, fun with my sister

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