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Dec 20, 2014 02:11

two more days at work and then i am ON VACATION. yay. :D today we had a little holiday party, with egg nog, rum to put in your nog, beer, wine, hot cider, cookies, and tiny cupcakes. there was nog left over so i brought a quart home. mmm, nog.

also i left late because something had to be finalized at the last minute but in a way that would take longer than i had - it involved putting page numbers on every part of an unusual report - so now i get to do it monday. but whatever, it's the weekend. :D

my cousin with the four kids, his middle kid is being bar mitzvahed tomorrow, so tonight my parents had a friday night dinner for the fam. there's a lot of fam. (and i was late because of the aforementioned weird report that needed page numbers.) (you wouldn't think something as simple as paginating a report would take so long, but it does.) anyway. after dinner me and my sister and my cousin's kids and his sister-in-law's kids were all sitting around the dining room table, and the one girl cousin (my cousin's oldest kids are twins, a boy and a girl, and all his in-laws' kids are boys) found some one direction performance on her phone and flipped right out. if she'd been older than fifteen and i thought she'd get the reference, i'd have asked if she was going to be in her bunk. there was a lot of "i am not ok!" and flappy hands and full-body flail. i don't think i've ever seen anyone i'm related to fangirl like that, and it was kind of weird but kind of cool to recognize her flail and think "yeah, i know that feel". she was really overcome. it was oddly cute.

(my sister's response was "i remember doing that for simon lebon" - when she was fifteen - and i did not volunteer that i remember doing it earlier this year. ahem.)

i am way behind on the december days of babble, but right now i need to go to bed. sleep now, babble later.

fangirling, fun with the fam, new job big office

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