i keep changing my mind about nano

Oct 25, 2014 00:21

work today was sooooo sloooow. i filled my time by finding and catching up on a web comic called stand still. stay silent (which is weird and adorable and post-apocalyptic and scandinavian and i really like it) and contemplating my nanonovel, which is apparently no longer about the friar and the heretic. >.< i'm half tempted to resurrect parts of ( Read more... )

wtf, doggie love, haven, oskar and conrad, nanowrimo, cool shit, constantine, outer space, chickens, pumpkins, web comics

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ellison October 26 2014, 06:22:26 UTC
Yes, my brother and his wife use sign language for their dog. They do things like give her a thumbs up for doing something they wanted her to do, but they have to do it right in front of her face, because she's also half blind. She's been deaf and half blind since birth. Something about how when people breed Australian Shepherds to get white coats, they get all white litters, but then the dogs are all blind and deaf to some degree. :/ So for that breed, particularly, people should know what they're doing and not just breed them in their backyard for a few bucks, or whatever. Not that anyone should ever do that. Anyway! When I first heard about their dog, I thought they were crazy, that she'd bite everyone and not be trainable. but then I went to visit them and she is the sweetest ever. They even use scents on doorways so she can have an extra easy time finding her way around. She likes to sit in your lap even though she's too big to do so. She's not a huge dog, but not the size of a lap dog either, haha! She makes herself fit in your lap though, it's hilarious! I've also seen people use little pen-lights, like flashlights you can turn on and off quickly, instead of clickers, since deaf dogs can't hear clickers, but they can see the light flash. I thought that was super cool!

I KNOW, I don't know why it's so hard, either! I guess it's just like... if you're going to be pouring yourself into an intense project for a whole month, you want it to feel worthwhile! How many times have you done NaNo? I thought I was going to do it one year and only wrote 3 paragraphs then gave up. Not sure whether to count that year. Then I did 2012 and won, and did it 2013, and got halfway. Hoping this'll be a good year, whatever I end up choosing. :)


tsuki_no_bara October 27 2014, 14:37:16 UTC
i never would've thought of putting scent markers on doorways, how cool! the little penlights are a neat idea too. your brother and his wife must be serious dog people, and it's pretty obvious they really love their dog. she sounds like a complete sweetheart.

my parents used to have a reasonably large chocolate lab who also thought he was a lap dog. he was tall, and at his full growth he weighed about a hundred pounds - he sat on my dad once and they broke a kitchen chair. >.< (my dad was not a small person back then either. that poor chair.)

this is my twelfth nano (!!!) altho two years i didn't finish. altho once was because i went on vacation for ten days.... i keep doing it mostly to prove to myself that i still can. but usually i have an idea of what i'm going to do by now! bah. good luck to you! here's hoping you settle on an idea before saturday.


ellison October 27 2014, 23:39:37 UTC
They really are super dog people! I always thought I was, having done dog walking and dog training, but they are just amazing. It helps they don't have (or want) kids, either, that way they can dedicate all their energy to their dogs. They had an older Aussie mix (who sadly, recently passed away) who could see and hear normally, but she had allergies, and later developed Cushing's disease, and they would take her to physical therapy, and acupuncture and stuff! They're awesome people. <3

That's hilarious about the dog and your dad breaking a chair - omg!

Oh wow, 12th NaNo!! That's amazing!!


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