reading meme. stuff. things. cute shit.

Sep 12, 2014 00:21

can we pretend it's wednesday so i can do the reading meme? because i actually finished something.

What I just finished reading:
brown bread, boys, which i thoroughly enjoyed altho i think it ended too soon. like, i want to know what happens next. it's evidently based on julius caesar, which i don't remember reading and know i never saw, so aside from the caesar equivalent being betrayed and killed by the senate equivalent, i missed all the play allusions. which did not affect my reading in any way, for the record, altho it means a lot of people ended up dead. characters i liked, too.

What I am reading now:
more powerful than dynamite: radicals, plutocrats, progressives, and new york's year of anarchy, by thai jones, which is about 1914 which was apparently a really politically radical year in new york. like, a couple of anarchists accidentally blew themselves up along with their apartment when a bomb they were making exploded. i randomly found it in the bookstore and it sounded really interesting.

also third world, written and drawn by carla speed mcneil, which is a new and exciting finder trade. it's colored! they're not usually. it has footnotes and i love me some footnotes. (all the finder trades have footnotes. it's pretty cool.)

What I'm going to read next:
i should probably go back to rumo because i hate leaving books unfinished, but in reality i think the fall of the kings, by ellen kushner and delia sherman, because i bought it years ago and it's sitting on the bookshelf looking reproachful.

i didn't do this last night because i was so, so tired, partly because i still can't be having with this earlier rising shit, and partly because my sister and i saw duran duran: unstaged, which is kind of a concert movie, i guess, with a lot of extra effects and random layers superimposed over everything. it was directed by david lynch, so maybe we should've expected weirdness. but it felt to me like the kind of look-i'm-so-artsy-and-deep kind of film that pretentious film students might make, and when i really wanted to be, you know, watching the band (and their special guests, including gerard way and beth ditto) (she seemed REALLY EXCITED to be there), i was kind of distracted by the weird overlays - flames and smoke and boring ranch houses and, er, hand puppets and reel-to-reel tape players and gears and shit. music was good, tho. also, simon looks kinda hot for being in his mid-fifties. he's a little paunchy but i'd do him.

the season premiere of haven was tonight and i was vaguely unsatisfied. duke's hair looked ok, tho.

i love tom hardy and tom hardy loves dogs - which is part of the reason why i love tom hardy. :D (bonus pics of commenters' dogs in the comments.)

burger king in japan introduces a burger with a black bun, black cheese, and black special sauce - aside from the fact that the cheese looks like plastic and the black bun is really disturbing, i'd totally eat that. altho i think it would be infinitely cooler if the tomato and onion and lettuce were black too.

pottery barn has a dragon drink dispenser. you know you want one. i want one.

vincent and the doctor cosplay - well, vincent cosplay, anyway. with bonus vincent. (ie, tony curran and a cosplayer.) nifty!

totoro bento. too cute to eat.

a corner shop made of felt - the artist based it on nostalgic memories of the corner shops of her childhood. felty cans and boxes and sweet things. she's also made felt grenades which are totally adorable.

weird food, doggie love, duran duran, dr who, haven, wednesday reading meme, felty, bento, movies, tom hardy, tony curran, cosplay, cute food

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