lots of thoughts, nothing with an actual shape

Jul 23, 2014 18:14

posting from work don't tell anyone.


yesterday i met gnomi for lunch partly because she read my bigbang and wanted to tell me that she liked it, even tho she doesn't watch spn and didn't know who everyone was. (i filled her in. more or less.) and that was nice to hear. i'd made a pdf with handwriting fonts and one without, and she took the one with and the fonts were mostly legible, which was also nice to hear. and then we, uh, googled how tall all the avengers are. >.< because rdj is short. i don't know, it made sense at the time. and everything eventually came around to sebastian stan, because it's me.

also i mentioned that i have an idea for my bigbang next year and of course it's a historical and of course that means research, and she commented that she really likes how i finish one and then right away start thinking about the next one. so of course now i have another idea. >.< this one came from tumblr. fucking tumblr. >.< it's a contemporary, tho, so we'll see.

writing group was canceled tonight which means i should probably go somewhere with a/c and write for a couple of hours, considering i have to submit for next time and i got nothin'. i keep thinking about jack and quince, but not in any writing-group-submission type way. right now it's all social media stuff, like what's on their twitter feeds and who do they have friended on facebook and are they on instagram and who is jack following on tumblr. because he has an art blog type tumblr, because he does freelance illustration and some design and he kinda likes being able to just throw stuff online whether it's done or not and not have to think about it. random process shit. he no doubt has a more professionalish web site where he can put completed projects and stuff he did for school and whatnot. his tumblr is quincymademedoit, which drives quince nuts because that's not his name, dammit, jack. his dash is full of art and design and art history and photography and tattoo tumblrs. maybe the occasional food/cooking blog. possibly things organized neatly. or mental floss. definitely coverspy, but only because he keeps thinking one day he'll find quince on it. (because sometimes quince reads on the subway.) (quince does not own an e-reader or a tablet. he gets his books from the library mostly, or used-book stores.) (jack is actually not much of a reader, and he uses his tablet for art.) they probably just follow their friends on instagram.

this is stuff i think about when i should probably be thinking about other things. like what to submit for writing group. and what to write for therealljidol, which, again, i got nothin'. it seems like a weirdly specific topic, and maybe something that specific just doesn't work for me. (chekhov's gun. we have until sunday.)

a japanese artist launched a bonsai and a bouquet of flowers into space and took pictures - well, technically some gopros and still cameras attached to the frames and balloons took pictures, but still. photos of growing things in space. neat! (there are more and more useful photos at the project's web site.)

vintage three-wheeled microcars - cute and occasionally weird. but mostly cute.

photos, writing group, c'mon c'mon (jack and quince), avengers assemble, outer space, fun with friends, real lj idol, parisbang, fucking tumblr, bigbang 2015, writing argh, cars

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