
Feb 28, 2014 22:58

so i'm currently watching hannibal and so far it is not making me hungry. yay. i finally watched the s1 finale on wednesday and there was a lot of OH MY GOD HANNIBAL YOU ARE THE WORST and OH MY GOD POOR WILL and WHO'S GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THE DOGS? but i say nothing about the s2 premiere so far so as not to spoil.

winston keeps running away from alana and going home! he's sitting on the front porch waiting for will to come back! oh, my heart.

i really, really, really like gillian anderson in this show.

who else watched vikings last night? i'm kind of done with rollo but otherwise i thoroughly enjoyed it. lagertha continues to kick ass, but that shouldn't be a spoiler. the mary sue did a screencap recap. i giggled.

i found an online article with ten things you should have in your house by age thirty, and one of the things was a crockpot AND a dutch oven. why do you need both? other things you should have include matching towels, a real couch, and grandma's china. which, well, what if grandma is still alive? or she left her china to a different grandchild? (i did in fact inherit my paternal grandma's china, but i don't have it in my house because i don't have anywhere to put it. i don't know who got my maternal grandma's china, as she had five granddaughters to leave it to. well, four besides me.) the article also said you should have everyday dishes that aren't plastic, unless you have kids and/or pets in which case you should have plastic.

but mostly, why would you need both a crockpot and a dutch oven?

a couple days ago i figured out a plot point for the story about the friar and the heretic that could move the story in an actual direction. go me. not that i'm in a hurry to write it, but it's always nice to get an idea that involves things happening.

vikings, hannibal, does this make me an adult, the friar and the heretic

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