Sep 14, 2013 23:58
so i have survived another yom kippur, go me. the family unit and i broke the fast with... chinese takeout, which seemed really appropriate. (my dad can't really go anywhere on account of his knee is still healing, altho he did make it to the last couple hours of services.) and then i got my dad to watch hell on wheels, which was an experience because i had to catch him up on two and a half seasons without either of us missing anything important, and i had to figure out what was going on before i could explain it. i like the show, but i only ever really understand half of what's going on.
last night was the haven s4 premiere, and i'm not sure how i feel about it. i think it set up the season ok, it had some character things that made sense and at least one plot thing that didn't, it had some not-fabulous special effects (which, well, it's a syfy show, i don't expect amazing cgi), it felt kind of tonally off. i don't know. duke is still the cutest, at least. who watched it? what did you think? if you loved it, tell me why! if you didn't love it, tell me why that too.
hell on wheels