bought comics, did not buy art

May 04, 2013 20:36

may the fourth be with you! :D

i managed to roll my ass out of bed late enough this morning that by the time i got online, my bigbang fic had already been claimed, so i didn't have to obsessively refresh the page waiting for someone to want me. said artist has no art on their lj, tho, and i couldn't find a link to, like, a deviantart page or a tumblr, so i don't know what i'm getting into.... altho they haven't read my fic yet, so they don't know what they've gotten into either. heh. i've had good luck with artists so far, so i'm not worried. (i was THISCLOSE to getting claimed by an artist i LOVE, but i was their third choice and they got their first choice. which is probably better for them, but still.)

i love that for one of the j2 fics, one of the warnings is "tennis shorts". hee.

today was - as you may or may not have heard, depending on the number of comic book readers you know - free comic book day, and i went to both my regular comic shop (which was FULL OF PEOPLE, and it's not a particularly roomy place to begin with) and the one in davis square looking for the fabulous killjoys short, and couldn't find it in either place. hmph. i did pick up some random stuff, tho, and bought, er, the last three issues of hawkeye for when i finally get around to finishing the trade, so it wasn't a total loss.

and then i ran into a guy from my writing group in the comic shop in davis, and it turns out he was there with his kid and realsupergirl (who's also in my writing group) and her wife and their kid, so i got to meet the kids (who are FUCKING ADORABLE, seriously) and rsg and her wife and the kids and i walked over to farwing's, because today is also somerville open studios, and farwing makes abstract watercolors and her roommate corruptviridian makes paper and letterpress prints and yarn and embroidered panels. so we admired the art and i petted the yarn (what? it was soft!) and eventually the one guy from writing group showed up (and collected his kid :D ), and then ANOTHER person from writing group came by with her husband, and people came and went and i just stayed there because the conversation was interesting. there may or may not have been strong feelings shared about the remake of the crow. and also some ranting about constantine (corruptviridian shares my pissiness). and some discussion of jeremy renner. and some discussion of a bookbinder in idaho who makes medieval style books, and not only carves the covers himself but also makes all the brass fittings and the paper and even his own tools. (also included in this discussion was "well, if i'm already making the paper for my books, how much more work would it be to weave my own bookcloth too...." aside from, you know, having to learn how to weave in the first place....) (i love talking about process with artists, altho unless they're bookbinders - because that's an art i can actually do - mostly they talk and i listen.)

corruptviridian did a papermaking demonstration earlier in the day which i missed, but she's going to do it again tomorrow so i need to shift my ass out of the house a little sooner than i did today. also i didn't see any other open studios! and there's cool shit to be seen around here. also you get to go into people's living and/or working spaces, and i love that kind of thing. i'm kind of nosy that way. :D

speaking of art! check out these photos of various world landmarks. it's like tilt-shift. super cool.

photos, writing group, bookbinding, comics, movies, psa, somerville open studios, bigbang 2013

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