i finally started my job OH MY GOD FINALLY

Feb 01, 2013 20:45

flist! flist! guess what i got to do today! get up early and put on professional(ish) clothes and take public transportation to AN ACTUAL JOB, IN AN ACTUAL OFFICE, FOR WHICH I WILL BE PAID ACTUAL MONEY. HOLY CARP. it was very exciting. i got a tour of the office, then i met (again) the woman i'll be working with, then i got a laptop and instructions on security and outlook and vpn from one of the it guys, then i stocked up on office supplies (post-its!) and got another slightly more in-depth tour of the office complete with introductions to a bunch of people whose names i won't remember, then i got an overview(ish) of the network and some basic things to know, then i went out to lunch with twibww and some other folks, then i, uh, sat around for a while and caught up on twitter and read email and learned that the office internet suggests i not visit lj because of the security certificate (or lack thereof) - twibww had something come up that she had to do that was complicated enough that she couldn't take the time to explain it to me and anyway it was apparently the kind of thing i'll understand better after i've had some actual training in the job. and then i went home early. and monday i think i get to learn what exactly i'll be doing! ooooh.

there are a lot of people in this office, altho i'm used to having one boss and only one other coworker. (i do not imagine that i'll have any more instances of "i can't find my boss! he left four hours ago and never came back!") also they have casual fridays and breakfast (ie, GIANT MUFFINS) brought in friday mornings, and snacks on tuesdays, and fruit on thursdays, and i can put music on my laptop altho not like 40gb of it, and the area where i'm sitting is big and open and we have a nice view of the boston garden (which i think is technically the td banknorth garden), which is where the bruins and i think the celtics play. the commute isn't bad altho there's a not insignificant amount of waiting outside for either the bus or the subway to show up, which is unpleasant in the cold and wind. the people seem nice. and it's better than unemployment!

and on monday i start at ten. i got the 10-7 shift, which will be nice when i don't have to get up ridiculously early but will kind of suck when i keep getting home late. but i can work from home! as i have a work laptop. which is kind of exciting. (it has a biometric security system. i have to swipe it with my finger to unlock it! i think this is the coolest thing. also it's one less stupid password to remember.)

so that was my day. :D

in other news, i mostly liked elementary last night (clyde!) altho i couldn't concentrate on the case AT ALL, and i already commented on spn, and my feelings about justified boil down to being disappointed that billy actually died of snakebite and we seem to have seen the last of cassie. and i'm glad ellen may is still alive. i think she really is loyal to ava, but she's not the sharpest crayon in the box and she can't totally keep her mouth shut and i feel bad for her. but i also think she ran when colt was in the gas station bathroom, because i highly doubt she was kidnapped, and she'd already figured out that ava was sending her away to keep her quiet, so maybe it's not that much a stretch to assume she also has an idea that ava and boyd changed their minds and want her dead. i was only vaguely interested in lindsey and randall - raylan has THE WORST LUCK when it comes to women, seriously - altho i liked lindsey before this week, but i loved that we got to see rachel.

my bigbang is only like 1700 words. >.< at least i know how to continue the scene i'm currently on, which is something.

i am finally hungry after my apparently-huge lunch - it was a hamburger and fries and a wee pot of baked beans, and yes the burger had cheese and mushrooms and onions, and it was a nice restaurant burger rather than, say, a mcd's burger, but it filled me up waaaay more than i was expecting - so i should possibly go make myself some dinner. i have kale that is begging to be made into chips.

elementary, justified, bigbang 2013, cooking, yay employment, new job big office

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