things i forgot to mention!

Oct 23, 2012 17:35

i now have three - count 'em - ideas for nanowrimo, but i think the hiddleston/hardy ww1 story will win out. this is entirely apiphile's fault, plus i mentioned i sort of kind of watched the hollow crown on saturday. (plus wrenlet helped by saying "YOU SHOULD TOTALLY WRITE THAT" when i told her about it.) (but mostly it's apiphile's fault.) i need to do RESEARCH and LOTS OF IT because what i know about the british in ww1 will fit in a thimble with room left over for all the stuff i know about class conflict in the same era. and there will still be room for half a thimble's worth of tea.

damn you, derek. >.<

altho to be completely honest, one of the other ideas is kind of a continuation/sequel to last year's nanonovel, which would also require research. but at least it's set in a place i'm familiar with, by which i mean new york.

this morning i caught most of faith, which was the second spn rerun on tnt, and i could not get over how young the boys looked, and how clunky the writing and acting could be. well, ok, sometimes the writing and acting is still clunky. but jared's a better actor now. evenifhedoesneedahaircut.

(i got a lot of argument from people at wincon about how badly jared and/or sam needs a haircut. BUT HE REALLY DOES!)

anyway. faith and phantom traveler were two of my favoritest spn episodes for a long time. faith still is. "a young man with an important purpose. a job to do. and it isn't finished." truer words were never spoken. also the sequence to (don't fear) the reaper, when roy legrange is trying to heal an old guy and the reaper is chasing the girl jogging, is a really excellent use of the song. it's almost in the same class as renegade playing over the end of nightshifter.

supernatural s1, supernatural s2, cute boy bad hair, the adorablecki, nanowrimo, plot bunnies

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