fangirls, man.

Oct 23, 2012 14:48

first, happy late birthday to halfshellvenus, drabblist and fellow fan of the penguin. :D (the flightless bird, not the pittsburgh hockey player.) every time i had a reason to mention justified at wincon i thought of you. i hope your day was good and that you had cake.

dancing boys: *two-step*

so yes, i am home from wincon. well, i was home last night but i was too tired after i unpacked to do anything other than make myself a cheese sandwich and stare blankly at cm reruns for a couple hours. traveling is exhausting.

let us have a recap!

rushed around like a crazy woman, got to dallas in one piece, sat on the super shuttle for an hour and a half, found
jenna_thorn (roommate #1) at the roadhouse so i could put my stuff in the room, found beadslut (roommate #2) and she made me a haven bracelet (it's beaded and says "troubled" and i wore it all weekend partly as a prop for the inevitable "do you watch haven?" discussions), probably talked to someone else except i don't remember who, went back to the room and met chemm80 (roommate #3) and stayed up talking to her about fandom in general and fandoms in specific and spn and lj and fic and fangirls and sons of anarchy and then suddenly it was four in the morning dallas time which is five in the morning boston time and we went to bed. >.<

got out of bed (did not sleep >.< ), went to breakfast, sat around the roadhouse, went to the food court in the building across the street for lunch and ate fried chicken which was juicy and crispy but slightly more than i was planning to eat (there was also a biscuit and cole slaw), did not end up doing registration because by then there was no one left to register, sat around the roadhouse some more, did a successful fairy tale panel with sparkymonster (who moderated) and loveflyfree and a lovely participatory audience, failed to take a nap, met calamitycrow who is no longer on lj but came from austin for the night and stayed in our room and showed up with a giant box FULL of mexican bakery pastries, went out for dinner and then a ghost tour with a whole bunch of people whose names i don't remember except for chaneen who organized it and thistle_dear, was creeped the fuck out several times (ask me about the kids in the holocaust museum), saw the jfk memorial and was kind of unimpressed (apparently i don't like philip johnson that much), wore my cowboy boots all night and they were actually comfortable, made it back to the hotel in one piece and shared some of the ghost stories, went to bed before four go me.

woke up in time to have breakfast and meet gestaltrose and jtakasunshine and rose's mom and aunt to take the dart to the texas state fair, crammed onto the train, met thistle_dear, walked around in the heat >.< and ate fried lemonade (sweet and tart and odd and not my favorite altho i'm glad i tried it) and fried jambalaya (basically a fried rice ball with jambalaya spices and bits of chicken and sausage, plus an onion ring, and it was delish) and fried garlic butter (an orgasm on a fork and i am not kidding) (no, seriously), had a nice conversation with a family of three (mom, dad, teenage daughter) about the state fair and the food and big tex who burned down on friday, walked thru the food and fiber pavilion and bought mayhaw jelly and a bottle of cheerwine because why not (me: "what's a mayhaw?" thistle_dear who is actually from texas: "i don't know." *googles it* "that didn't help." me: "i'm going to get it anyway."), took some pictures, went back to the hotel and tried and failed to take a nap because my roommates were all watching haven s1 and haven beats a nap every time, got ready for the prom with the hollow crown in the background even tho a historical tom hiddleston is VERY DISTRACTING, danced, complimented a lot of people on their clothes/hair/shoes/accessories/cleavage, accepted compliments on my top hat, talked lots, collapsed into bed after scarfing down a couple leftover pineapple empanadas. yum.

missed the podfic panel and the women/poc/lgbt characters in comics panel, moved my shit to gestaltrose's room because all my roommates checked out of the room to go home, walked down to dealey plaza with beadslut and
jenna_thorn, stood on the grassy knoll, bought some postcards in the jfk museum gift shop (but not the one of the view from oswald's window in the book depository, which i thought was too sick even for me), started saying goodbye, saw annkiri and gave her a HUGE HUG, sat around the roadhouse and chatted, went to the stragglers' dinner and stuffed my face with pizza, watched a large game of, uh, i think it's called cards against humanity and it's basically apples to apples except more perverse, eventually went back to the room and talked to rose and went to sleep.

ate breakfast, sat in the room, ate lunch, said goodbye!, went home.

short version: fun was had, things were discussed, haven was pimped (i think to nickelmountain - i'm sorry if i went on and on!), fangirls are love, and i ate fried butter and it was so good i kept cornering people at the prom to tell them so. and i already have an idea for a panel next year - non-superhero comics. (because there's been a superhero comics panel the last couple years and not everyone reads superhero comics.) i may or may not solicit fellow panelists for it when the time comes to submit panel ideas.

next year we're in vegas, baby. :D you should all come.

i talked to a lot of people whose names i don't know or whose names i just don't remember, which makes it really hard to find them online. but everyone was super friendly and chatty and seriously, fangirls at wincon are the nicest people. they don't necessarily care that you don't love what they love (i actually apologized to dauntdraws for not being remotely interested in watching teen wolf) (she was cool with it), and some of them are interested in learning about the thing you love that they're unfamiliar with. which i've found is fandom in general, to be honest.

now i just have to catch up on the tv i missed and go to the grocery store and, uh, re-start looking for a job. if by some freak chance we met at wincon and you remembered my username and came here, hi. :D if you were already here, hi. :D

if i missed anything you want me to see, let me know!

wincon formerly winchestercon, psa

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