miniature pigeon camera - ie, a miniature camera attached to a pigeon. in 1903. the camera had a timer so it could take pictures from the air. which was probably a relief to the pigeon - i mean, can you imagine trying to fly AND focus a camera AND shoot pictures, when you don't technically have fingers to begin with?
women's roller derby, circa 1948 - for the roller derby fen on the flist. :D i wonder if roller derby ladies in the 40s had, uh, would you call them rink names? (you know, like stage names but used in the rink.) their outfits weren't quite as flamboyant, that's for sure.... i like the striped shirts, tho.
rebel youth, 1950s and 1960s - they're apparently swiss. check out the giant-ass handmade metal elvis belt buckles and the various interesting ways of closing one's jeans. (rather than using the zipper.) i really dig the boys' hair, but i have to say, the girls had some impressive poofiness going on there too.
thirteen-year-old discovers fibonacci sequence in trees - like, there's a definite, reproducible pattern to the way tree branches grow. said pattern enables the tree to collect sunlight in the most efficient way, and can thus be used as a model for how to make solar panels for human use. how cool is that? very, that's how.
adam richman and a puppy. that is all.
last night chad michael murray made a random appearance on man vs food - adam traveled up the pacific coast highway and his first stop included fish tacos and mayhem - who's lookin' kinda buff, let me just say - which was followed by an appearance (at another restaurant) by kevin pollak, who does a really funny christopher walken impression. it was a good half-hour, and i'm not just saying that because it was adam. (or as
crotalus_atrox called him, "yourboyfriendadamrichman". he's a nice jewish boy from brooklyn who likes traveling and food! and calls his mom on-air to ask if he can have dessert first! what's not to love?)
also last night my dad came over for dinner because a. my mom's been out of town since last monday, and b. i wanted to know if i could make dinner for people and manage to time everything right. and i can! altho my dad is forgiving if nothing is done at the same time. i still need more counter space in my kitchen, tho. and he laughed at me when i said i was resisting hanging pictures because my walls are so nice and pristine and newly-painted and i didn't want to wreck them with nail holes. my dad, ladies and gentlemen. making fun of his daughters' neuroses since 1993.
altho let's be honest - pounding a nail into the wall and then covering it with a picture is not a major hardship for the design integrity of the wall.
one last thing:
click this link and wait for it to load. warning: sound. but still, it's really cute and whoever did the site clearly has a sense of humor. also, work-safe!