so. it is done. the nanobang, aka the fic of 1000 cameos, aka angels on ariels (now that i can actually release the title) is formatted and posted and i even have extras, which for once are not pics of cars. :D pics of people, tho. looooots of people. and dogs. and, er, motorcycles. and one car, because it's me. (i missed white collar last night because i was formatting the cast page. priorities, you know.)
if you're interested in 51k words of contemporary rps and a shit-ton of cameos that serve no purpose other than to make me happy, and you choose to read it, i hope you enjoy it.
and if rps isn't your thing, no worries, i expect it will be all original fic all the time around here for a while.
even if you don't want to read the fic, check out
the soundtrack. there's some good stuff there. and
cee_m put 1952 vincent black lightning (richard thompson version) on it even before i told her that's where i got the title and inspiration for the fic. great minds, heh.
and now i've started thinking about next year's bigbang, which will a. require research, and b. hopefully be shorter than 51k words. editing that size a fic is kind of hard, and i have a tremendous amount of respect for
annkiri for beta-ing it. i didn't take all her suggestions, but that's on me, not her.
i've spent some time kind of mentally comparing this fic to the gangster story - the process of writing it, mostly - and after i posted the gangster story last year i felt all at loose ends writing-wise, like i didn't know what to do next. i felt kind of ficcishly bereft. i don't feel that now. maybe because i spent so much less time actually writing the nanobang, or because it was so much easier to write, or because the research was so much less intensive, or because i've already got original fic in mind. i don't know. the nanobang was fun and i really enjoyed writing it and i love pretty much everyone in it (i'm especially fond of danneel and katie) and it's not that i never want to see the 'verse again - there are two missing scenes i may or may not write - but i'm emotionally ready to do something else.
it's not a bad feeling.
i'm slowly getting my voice back but am still pretty hoarse, which will be fun at writing group tonight. however! i'm sucking on a cough drop RIGHT NOW and still trying to hack up a lung. come on, body, cut that out.
turtles shut down the runway at kennedy airport - it's mating season and the perfect sandy beach for laying eggs is on the other side of the runway. apparently this happens from time to time, that turtles making their way across the tarmac can actually shut down the airport. i especially like one of the pilots telling the control tower "be advised, there's another turtle near the centerline". and control goes "what, another one?" heh.