oh and also sam axe gets his own burn notice movie tonight

Apr 17, 2011 14:01

i feel like i forgot to mention something interesting and/or important. huh. i also feel like i spent all weekend eating bananas with chocolate chips, and clearly i haven't (i only had two bananas, for one thing), so who knows.

if you like bananas, they go well with chocolate chips. as do peanutbutter sandwiches. if you don't like bananas, well, more for me. :D

i totally failed in my attempts to find gefilte fishlets, tho. next year i'll start looking earlier. i mean, the first seder is tomorrow night. i'm otherwise prepared - i just have to bake some rolls later today. and hide all my not-kosher-for-passover food.

last night my sister and i saw jane eyre, which was apparently not what she was expecting, altho i'm not sure what she was expecting, but we both liked it, so. by the end of the movie i decided michael fassbender looked like a younger and slightly smaller richard burgi, which was a little weird, but i liked his rochester and i really liked mia wasikowska as jane, and while i don't remember most of the book other than jane's melodramatically horrible charity school experiences and mad mrs rochester being confined to the attic, i think the movie was pretty faithful to it. altho i vaguely remember jane being sweet and meek and kind of self-effacing in the book, and she wasn't so much in the movie. which i actually liked better.

but anyway. it was good and i enjoyed it. it looked fabulous.

leprechaun trap cake - it's no longer really the season for leprechaun-inspired baked goods, but this is still super cute. and it's always cake season somewhere.

the sun is out and i should go be in it! y'all have a good sunday.

have a poem for the road.

To have been age enough.
To have been leg enough.
Been enough bold. Said no.
Been a girl grown into that
negative construction. Or said yes
on condition of a dress. To be yours
if my skirts skimmed the floors.
To have demanded each seam
celestial, appealed for planetary pleats.
And when you saw the sun a sequin,
the moon a button shaped from glass,
and in the stars a pattern
for a dress, when the commission
proved too minute, and the frocks
hung before me like hosts,
to have stood then at the edge
of the wood, heard a hound's bark
and my heart hark in return.
To have seen asylum in the scruffs
of neck - mink, lynx, ocelot, fox,
Kodiak, ermine, wolf - felt a claw
curve over my sorrow then. Said yes
on condition of a dress. To be yours
if my skirts skimmed the floors.
To have demanded each seam
just short of breathing, my mouth
a-beg for bestial pleats.
And when you saw tails as tassels,
underskins sateen, and in entrails
damasks of flowers and fruit,
when the bet proved not too broad
for you, and before me, the cloak held
open as a boast, to have slipped
into that primitive skin. To have
turned my how how into a howl. To have
picked up my heavy hem and run.

--Stacy Gnall, "Self-portrait as Thousandfurs"

movie review, jewstuff, april is poetry month, baked goods

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