i'm going to hell but at least the baked goods will be tasty

Mar 25, 2011 15:29

happy birthday gestaltrose! fangirl, fanficcer, and all around genuinely lovely person. i hope you feel better - one should not be sick on one's birthday. how will one enjoy one's cake?

dancing boys: *two-step*

due to crotalus_atrox's desire for a simple tasty cupcake earlier this week, i have decided that what the world really needs - and by that i mean "what *i* really need" - is crucifix cookies. like, sugar cookies shaped like crosses, with jesuses made of sugar or chocolate or marzipan glued to them with royal icing, with strategic applications of red food coloring and little crowns of thorns made from shredded coconut and melted chocolate. it's almost the season. and you know the big sugar eggs that come out around easter, with the round windows in them so you can see these little spring scenes made out of frosting and jelly beans inside? that general idea, except a hollow cookie tomb with a little window so you can see jesus' body awaiting resurrection. he could even be wrapped in a little rice paper shroud.

...i'm going to hell, aren't i.

oh man, i hope i didn't just offend the hell out of someone reading this. >.< if i did, i'm sorry!

in the process of googling "crucifix cookies" - seriously - i found crucified-jesus cookie cutters. obviously i'm not the only one who's had this idea. also i found some really cute baby-jesus-in-the-manger cookies, but it's the wrong season for those, so i mostly drooled a little bit and made a lot of "that is so, so cute" noises.

starbucks was playing paint it black in FRENCH earlier. er, what? and the two baristas who were there when i went in were the one who looks kind of like genevieve cortese and the one who looks kind of like a younger ellen page. they are both COMPLETELY ADORABLE. and i'm always tempted to ask the one who looks like genevieve if she has a super tall, super hot, kinda goofy boyfriend. (i don't think she's married.) and when they asked me how i was, i did not tell them that i was craving a cross-shaped cookie with a crucified sugar jesus stuck to it.

are the crucifix and tomb baked goods a better or worse idea than a cake shaped and decorated like the head of john the baptist, sitting on a platter in the middle of a pool of strawberry sauce?

it's been that kind of day. also the kind of day where i see "petaflops" (from this tweet) and cannot stop giggling, and don't know why. it's evidently a measure of computing speed. but still. PETAFLOPS. why is that so funny?

dorkitude, fun food, starbucks, psa, baked goods

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