oddly enough this icon does not make me hungry

Aug 05, 2010 16:52

first, let me share this icon. adam richman, the man in man vs food. (it's on the travel channel. the travel channel shows really good food shows.) he's my favorite doughboy. seriously, he is COMPLETELY ADORABLE and i want to SQUISH HIM. crotalus_atrox made me the icon because i am so very foodily suggestible. also she shares the adam love. :D

speaking of food! my fellow greater bostonians! restaurant week is august 16-20 (15-21? does it go over the weekend?) who wants to try bergamot with me? i admit i'd never heard of it before i started poking around the restaurant week site but their restaurant week menu looks tasty and the lemon pudding cake is VERY intriguing. any night except thursday! who's in?

i finally finished the sweet charity book that was giving me grief, but its recipient is on vacation and wants me to wait to send it to her until she gets home, which is totally fair and not at all a problem, but it means i have to wait to share the pics. i really like the cover paper, altho i had to use it all because i fucked up the front cover twice and thus had to make three of them. OY, book. but it's done and now i can move on to the next one, which will hopefully be less of a headache.

things of (fannish) interest, lj/dw version!

awesome people of color comment-a-thon (dreamwidth or el jay) run by medie! leave prompts, fill prompts, give your favorite characters of color some love!

criticalfandom! for critical discussion of the writing in your favorite tv shows/movies/books/comics! talk about the effectiveness (or lack thereof...) of dialogue or exposition! discuss the quality (or lack thereof...) of the writing! style! pacing! craft! (check out the comm profile if you think you might be interested. i may or may not be making enough sense.)

things of (not-necessarily-fannish) interest, linkspam version!

confessions of a bitter-ender - ie, someone who stays to watch the closing credits of a movie. ie, me. :D there are good reasons why we do what we do. even when it causes our friends to leave the movie theater without us. (my sister sent me the link. she knows me well.)

gifts for the geek home - i like the floppy disk pillow, myself. altho the motherboard picture frames and the temperature-sensitive tiles are pretty nifty. and my inner nash is very impressed by the fractal quilt. and my inner neil is adamant that he is NOT going to ask his mother to make one for nash for christmas.

and i am amused but not at all surprised that right-wingers seem to have pegged reagan-appointed, bush-approved republican judge walker as a "judicial activist". clearly, if you're a right-winger an "activist judge" is any judge whose ruling you don't agree with. even if that judge sits on your side of the aisle. i facepalm in their general direction.

restaurant week, politics, fanfic, pimp, bookbinding, movies, man vs food, geekery, icons, meta

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