it was hot and i was hungry!

May 26, 2010 19:00

the weather widget on my laptop says it's 80º in greater somerville, and my brain is going oh my god it is so fucking hot i am going to die. on monday i had the brilliant idea to make a quiche. as it is currently too hot to turn the oven on, that idea will have to wait.

season finale of criminal minds tonight. hopefully it won't be a cliffhanger like the finales of s3 and s4.... i predict squee. (well, i like the guest star, and i expect there will be at least one instance of agent cuteness. and yes, spencer, i AM looking at you, now that you finally have cute hair.)

have some links.

really cute free patterns for the knitters and crocheters in the audience. i think the tofu pincushion is particularly adorable.

sushi shaped doughnuts - they look kind of like little twinkies, actually. but decorated to resemble nigiri. sadly you can only get them in thailand.

frogs shut down a greek highway - like, a horde of frogs. they closed down a highway near thessaloniki for two hours. hee.

the jello mold mistress of brooklyn - for the lost series finale she made a lost jello mold shaped like the island! not to mention lots of slightly less fannish jello molds in lots of flavors. mmmmmjello.

we're havin' a heat wave, knittery, fun food, sushi, funny, criminal minds s5, lost

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