links of geekery and architectural nifty

May 25, 2010 14:24

don't panic & carry a towel. :D (mine is at home. i feel unprepared.)

periodic table of empire strikes back elements - chemically nerdy! or nerdily chemical! also, nifty. (via gweneiriol)

repurposed houses - by which i mean non-house spaces turned into house spaces. there's a church (complete with graveyard!), a bunch of shipping containers, a cave, a water tower, and a house made from construction materials salvaged from the big dig (this is stuff normally used for highways, tunnels, and the immensely cool zakim bridge).

(what, you expected actual post of substance? how long have you known me? :D why post substance when you can point people to houses made of shipping containers or caves? am i right, or am i right?)

things what are nifty, architectural geekery

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