there may come a day when we have nothing left to say

Dec 30, 2009 15:20

it's kind of cold out. and by "kind of" i mean "really". at least it's not as windy as it was yesterday. (i have a feeling you'll be getting a lot of "the weather is this but at least it's not that" for the next few months.) also i might have lost my boss again. he went downtown to pick up a check about three hours ago. how long does that take?

last night's cm rerun was the last ten or fifteen minutes of penelope (aka "you're good." "you're better.") which i watched instead of ten or fifteen minutes of 28 days later which is just as creepy and heart-pounding and diseased-looking the fifth time around. have i ever mentioned that the first scene after the little prologue, when jim is walking around a completely deserted london - particularly the shot of him crossing the bridge - is where i got the idea for the post-apocalypse? i wanted something like that, except without all the bodies. i wanted a tidy apocalypse.

so far i don't have any characters that look like cillian murphy or naomie harris, tho. or brendan gleeson.

there's a bit towards the end of penelope where garcia asks "what does the profile say?" and because she's looking at spencer i always think she's asking "what does the professor say?" like she wants his advice on whatever they're thinking of doing. because i think "professor" is something she'd call him to tease him.

in the absence of substance, have a meme.

first lines of first fics, by month:

january: On Saturdays the Hatch Gallery opens at noon. ( a week in the lives)

february: Derry's friend Petula, because she loves him and because he puts up with her roommate who doesn't like him, buys him a session of life drawing at the art school. ( in which derry goes to his first life drawing class ever)

march: When Rodney was sixteen, all he wanted was to leave school and have the run of his city and the camaraderie of his mates, the freedom to fuck and fight and play football in empty lots. ( we can live beside the ocean)

april: Jason hasn't been to Boston for a season opener in years, but when he finds out the Red Sox are playing at home for once, the first thing he does is get a couple days off work. ( opening day)

may: Jason came back to the gallery after lunch to find a book sitting on his desk. ( love for red sox nation)

june: It's a rainy Saturday and Megan is alone in the house, the big boys having vanished and left her with the small boy. ( looking for narnia)

july: Jason walked in just as Citgo was saying "No one's born in LA. People live here but nobody's from here." ( a little random silliness with the painter and the curator and the painter's odd friends)

august: There were, Val knew, some definite benefits in dating the people he was dating. ( the perseids)

september: Derry does not like sleeping in Joy's squat, mostly because he always runs the risk of actually seeing her. ( in which derry gets laid first thing)

october: Neil's mother has a potter friend named Mira who lives in Sausalito, and sometimes the friend goes out of town and wants a housesitter for a couple of days, and sometimes she calls Neil. ( skinny-dipping)

november: April in Boston - April anywhere, really - is a bit of a transitional month. (from mah nanonovel)

december: Sunlight coming through the uncurtained windows wakes Derry up. ( in which derry bullies will except not really)

and while i was doing that, my boss appeared with cake. yum. i guess it does take three hours to pick up a check, if those three hours include "eat lunch" and "get cake for the office".

also have another meme, this one snagged from ignipes, because i feel like being opinionated:

Name a fandom or a fannish topic and I will share my unpopular fandom opinions on the matter. Or any opinion, because I have lots of those and don't always know which ones are unpopular or not.

(most of my fannish opinions, in fact, i have no idea if they're popular or not, because i'm just not that deep in the fandom. my fannish circles tend to be pretty small.)

criminal minds s3, weather, i've lost my boss again, writing memes, fandom, apocafic

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