are you getting somewhere...

Nov 05, 2009 16:58

today's another cute googledoodle. (it's the same for the us and the uk.)

i missed a random chunk out of the middle of criminal minds last night because my tape ran out of tape, but i got home from writing group in time to watch the last fifteen minutes or so. which was enough to be kinda squicked. not that this surprises me because, you know, it's that kind of show, but still, i'd kind of like to NOT have the kind of season where i'm always wondering why the hell i watch it, because there's such a high chance of me being grossed the fuck out. ewww.

morgan and garcia are the cutest, tho.

last night i babbled all over myself at farwing about my nanonovel and got all excited about killing people off. (in fiction, natch.) i think she was amused. i know i was. :D the actual writing is going kind of slowly, but i think that's because i'm writing at work at the same time i'm trying to do work. i have about 800 words for today so far.

i need to type this letter for my boss and i can't read his handwriting. yeesh. and i feel completely unprepared to go to spain. i have batteries for my camera, i have guidebooks, i did laundry - i don't know how i'm unprepared but i feel like i totally am. double yeesh.

meme, as seen, like, everywhere now:

Pick a paragraph (or any passage less than 500 words) from any fic I've written, and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you commentary on that snippet: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what's going on in the characters' heads, why I chose certain words, what this moment means in the context of the rest of the fic, lots of awful puns, and anything else that you'd expect to find in a commentary post.

(i admit i expect maybe one response, but hey, hope springs eternal. :D )

work, spain, criminal minds s5, google doodles, nanowrimo, writing memes

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