wincon question

Sep 02, 2009 12:19

i want to fly in thursday night because i don't want to have to leave at ass-o'clock six in the am friday morning, but both my roommates are arriving friday and i don't really want to stay in the room by myself thursday night. (partly the cost, partly the weirdness of sleeping in a room alone during a con.) would anyone be willing to let me crash in their room thursday night, and i'll clear out as soon as i can check in to my own room (and theoretically collect my roommates) on friday? i'll totally pay you for the one night. or should i fly in on friday too? or should i just suck it up and book the room for thursday?

on the plus side, i think i can get a non-stop flight both ways. this is very exciting.

i feel the need to repeat that i really, really like the cleaner because sometimes people accept the help to get clean, and sometimes they don't. and sometimes they go willingly and sometimes they fight it every step of the way. it's unsentimental (and i'm guessing mostly realistic) in the way it looks at how addiction fucks up not only the addict's life, but also the lives of people around them. but it's not all doom and gloom. i'm not sure how much longer the season is, but if you can get your hands on it, i highly recommend it. (it's on hulu, but only last week's episode is available in full. everything else is just excerpts. the first season is out on dvd, tho.)

the cleaner, winchestercon

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