spn - 4x16

Mar 19, 2009 22:01

(on the head of a pin)

of course the dead angel's wearing white....

ok, so, how old is alistair? and how strong is his will? and how long has he been torturing people? versus dean's measly ten years of practice? and they think dean can get something out of him? o.O i have to say, i'll be kind of disappointed if alistair gives in.

i love castiel's blank look when dean uses humor on him. hee.

(i also love how christopher heyerdahl sounds like the guy who was playing alistair before. altho it's kind of a grating voice.)

ten bucks says the dripping water washes away enough of the seal on the floor that alistair gets out. someone or something turned it on for that very purpose.

so sam's getting his power from drinking ruby's blood? that's where he gets his exorcism strength from? i shouldn't be surprised. i am however kind of grossed out. (if he gets addicted to it, tho, as a means to power? kripke and i will be having words.)

hi anna! you think it's really anna, or something masquerading as her, sent to tempt him? castiel is starting to question, tho, and he is getting emotionally closer to people, and all you dean/castiel shippers, that is not what i meant. :p but anyway. the fact that his superiors noticed and put uriel in his position is kind of a hint, and his growing, er, humanity? decreasingly hardline angelness? whatever. it hasn't exactly been a secret.

"something's caught in my throat. i think it's my throat." *snicker*

yeah, he's getting out. bingo. >.<

did alistair just hang castiel on a hook? now would be a great time for sam to show up. and castiel looks kinda freaked out at sam's new stronger powers. still think you should be keeping him alive because he's useful to have on your side, cas? or are you just a little bit scared?

if lilith isn't killing the angels, who is? is there another power in hell? is heaven splitting into factions too? someone's in charge besides god?

is it wrong that i'm more interested in castiel's journey than in sam or dean's? because his slow fall and inner conflict are fascinating, more so than sam and his growing powers/potential stroll into evil or dean and his brokenness. i would not mind a castiel-centric episode or two.

!!! has uriel been killing the angels?? why? was castiel right, and they're being punished for their failure to stop the seals breaking and their inability to win the war against hell? ...it's all a plot to bring castiel over to his side to raise lucifer from hell? that seems kind of sacrilegious, i dunno. but lucifer is a demon now, he's not the shining angel uriel remembers. but i admit i kind of like that uriel wants to bring about the apocalypse because he's basically pissed at god for making humans so important, and he admires lucifer for standing up to god.

i love that wing effect for dead!uriel. i really love that spn angels have black wings.

dean can't possibly be the first righteous person to shed blood in hell.... and they brought him out of hell because now he's the only one who can stop the apocalypse, because he's the one who started it. that's laying it on a little heavy, i think....

y'know, any season besides this one i would've said dean's brother would've given him strength, and he's strong enough to stop the apocalypse because he's got sam at his side, but now? not so much. which is really sad.

(and, uh, my favorite parts of the episode were the castiel/uriel/anna parts. i feel like a bad fan because i could've cheerfully skipped most of the winchestery bits.)

i'm going to miss next week's episode on account of i'm going to atlanta, and i'm actually really bummed about that. it looks like a fun one.

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