i fulfill my civic duty by being asked to sit on a jury for a week

Mar 10, 2009 17:32

happy late birthdays to ninjakitten, northwest kitty mama, and angelchildr, midwest hedgie fan, and happy on-time birthday to witchwillow who has moved to ij but gets a birthday wish here anyway. :D i have cake and glitter and cute boys, natch.

dancing boys: *two-step*

today i had jury duty for the first time ever. i was kind of hoping i wouldn't get picked, and if i did, i'd get picked for a one-day trial. so instead i get picked for a week-long trial. so i get to sit on a jury at a trial thru next tuesday. fun. (imagine that said in the least excited voice possible.) on the one hand, i get to do my civic duty, and it could be interesting. on the other hand, a week. >.< there was no one in my office today, as the boss and the other architect were in new york and when that happens i'm the only person there only i was serving on a jury today, so i couldn't call the office and say hey, boss, i'll be out for a week. so i called his house and left a message to that effect. they'll just have to treat the next week as if i'm on vacation. lucky them.

(this does mean i won't get to babble at rich the coworker about bsg on friday, tho. bummer.)

this is possibly some kind of civic karma for me never having been called before. and at least the courthouse isn't too far. one poor girl has to travel an hour on the interstate. and it could be worse - it could be two weeks. or a month.

last night i met lanyon in boston (she's here for a conference) and we had cheesecake, and then she had to meet some friends for dinner. and i felt vaguely selfish for being annoyed, because i wanted to hang out and talk to her for longer than forty-five minutes. she's very cute in person and we had a nice chat - we talked about pretty boys, as you do - and i'm glad i got to meet her in person. and then i came home and fell asleep on the couch, because i was totally discombobulated from daylight savings and apparently really, really tired. i needed that hour to sleep, dammit!

sunday i curled but not well which i can apparently blame on one of the substitute curlers - as two people from my team were not there, so we had subs - and after the game i sat and talked to the other girl on the team about weddings, which was fun, and apparently my ability to bend time remains intact. go me?

saturday i met gem225 for lunch and then saw watchmen and went out to dinner with farwing but i took pictures so you could all see a day in my life - blame bleedtoblue :D - but i took, uh, twenty or so, because it was a full day, so that will have to be an entirely different post.

jury duty, work, psa, curling, weekend wrapup, fun with fangirls

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