spn - 4x11

Jan 15, 2009 22:03

this show has like ten producers of various stripes. good lord.

(family remains)

how does sam fit across the back seat? o.O i love how the whole car shakes when he flops back down.

the dead girl looks kind of familiar. maybe i've just seen too many ads for horror movies with creepy ghosts. she reminds me a little of dana shulps (was that her name? the dead woman) from the usual suspects.

so who wants to bet this new family is moving to get away from some tragedy at their previous home? possibly a death kind of tragedy?

tonight's spn is brought to us by my bloody valentine 3-d. heee.

(i love the daughter's sheepy robe.)

i am actually pretty freaked out. this is my favorite kind of episode - standalone and scary as fuck. (ten bucks says the last five minutes will be dean-back-from-hell-y, to come back to the very beginning and all the "previously on spn" scenes. fifty-five minutes of episode and five minutes of tacked-on overarching plot.)

"i'm telling you, man. humans." heh. but if the girl's not a ghost, if she's an actual human, who is she? she can't be the dead guy's daughter, she's too young. but the dead guy recognized her. maybe she's his granddaughter? i dunno.

"smell that?" "every day." it's stinking up the kitchen, whatever it is. and i am now kind of grossed out as well as freaked.

every single death now is going to weigh SO heavily on dean's conscience, after all the souls he tormented in hell. that's enough for him to consider unforgivable, but adding people he can't save when he's human and it's less, i dunno, fraught, that's just going to be worse.

"if it's the last godforsaken thing i do" - interesting choice of word there, dean.

story ripped from an austrian headline! heee! she IS the dead guy's granddaughter. and daughter. ew.

aw, dean. that's a lot to carry, more than just "i tortured people in hell" - "i tortured people and liked it". (and yet this season has been less angsty than s2....)

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