writing stuff, dalek stuff, porn stuff, birthday stuff

Jan 10, 2009 14:23

the guys who had to turn off my gas to install a new meter came at 10 and were gone by 11:30. speedy! so now i can leave the house. and i have heat. (which is nice, since it's supposed to snow.) i may or may not attempt to bake something later. i can break in my mixmaster.

am making really slow progress on a story for writing group, which has to be finished by wednesday. two out of seven sections (mostly) done. oy. >.< want to work on the bootleggers instead. (there are now six ellecott kids: vashti, robard, rabbit, kittredge, annis, and naomi 2.) (mom's name is also naomi.) (i used to be really fond of non-traditional names/nicknames for my characters. apparently i'm getting back to that. heh.) i keep being distracted from actually writing the painter and the curator by my desire to make a cast list with illustrative photos.

dances with daleks - daleks morris dancing with humans. absurd and really fun. (via msmanna)

comment_fic - bite sized bits of comment porn, for all your pornlet needs. apparently they'll take original fic too, altho all the requests so far are for fanfic pairings. make a request, fill a request, read the comments.

and i totally forgot to wish roguebitch a happy birthday! happy birthday. :D here's to a better job and good friends and good fic and your kid continuing to be adorable. and cake, of course. and dancing boys.

dancing boys: *hippy shake*

porn on the internets, writing group, psa, moonshiners, house stuff, the painter and the curator

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