happy (slightly late) birthday to
missmp, writer, fangirl, bringer of snark, survivor of crazyjob, and the only person i ever run into in my neighborhood who doesn't actually live there. i offer cupcakes and cute boys covered in glitter. :D
dancing boys: *hippy shake*
i'm going to try that post-something-good-for-eight-days meme. i mean, so far it's been a pretty decent month. and it's like a hanukah theme, with the eight days. :D so, today's candle things what are good, because if i wait until the end of the day i'll forget:
a hedge in a hat 2. there are big, firm, sweet&juicy pears in the office
3. i got a couple specifically-hanukah cards mixed in with the general winter holiday cards
picfor1000 is now open for signups
aaaand a pimp, unrelated to the stuff what is good:
More fun than you can have with skinmags and shaving gel!