(no subject)

Jul 27, 2007 15:32

last weekend i went to stockbridge - this weekend i'm going to new jersey for tygerseye and betra's anniversary, where i will also get to see byrne and klgaffney and meet ragingpixie and apparently cbpotts. (gnomi? we may have to play a brief game of "how do YOU know gnomi?" :D ) i have my hawaiian shirt and my very adorable anniversary present (at least i think it's adorable) and directions to the house. i'm prepared to get lost anyway.

because i know you all NEED to know where i'm going to be every weekend. heh.

in other news, wrenlet successfully managed to leave boston, which mostly means i managed to get her to the airport on time and her plane managed to take off. i had a really good time with her - we shared squee about many things and bitched about the writers of the gilmore girls and made little inarticulate noises of tonycurranglee and watched supernatural with all the appropriate fangirly reactions and i helped her plot an rps au (jared/cmm) and a dean/tristan gilmore girls fic and she told me how harry potter ends. and we kept ordering the same thing at dinner without discussing it first. weeeeeird. also we met tamalinn and one of her friends for bar trivia on wednesday, which was fun. i still think people should come visit me in the spring instead of the summer or winter, because i think boston is less likely to try and kill you in the spring, but hey, i take my visitors when i can get them. and we had fun, which is the most important part. i really do love my fellow fangirls.

and i have some ideas for fics, including another spn fanfic, but no idea when i'll have time to try and write them before i forget what i wanted to say. oy.

travel, fun with fangirls

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