(no subject)

Jan 07, 2010 13:12

Title: One Last Time
Author: tsubasafan90
Rating: G
Summary: Two years after the Games, Joshua was dehydrated from all the boredom he had with the current games. He then decided to stalk Neku, only to find things got more amusing.
Notes: Hope this can clear the confusion of the plot.

| Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3||Intermission|

Two years after the Game with Neku was a torture to Joshua. The current Players did not give him enough amusement, as he could only see each of them, one by one, being erased even before Day 2 ended. That day, he sat on top of the 104 Building, watching the new Players playing their first day of the week. His eyes soon notice the group down at the entrance of the 104 Building. He grinned to himself and decided to see what they’re doing. He flew down without anyone noticing and changed into his RG form, but it was an older version and with different hairstyle. Not his usual curly hair, but with a short and slightly spiked up hair. Even the clothing was different. Not his usual blue shirt that he wore 2 years ago, but more teenager like clothing. For the Composer, doing something like that wasn’t that hard. He smirked and decided to walk to the group. 'This would be fun to see Neku’s reaction,' he thought to himself.

Neku and his group were now in front of the building. "So, you guys want to follow us in?" Eri asked Neku, Beat and Rhyme. Neku sighed. "The whole reason for both you and Shiki to drag us all the way here is because of that F Prince, Eiji Ouji. I have no interest with him," Neku said and crossed his arms. Shiki chuckled. "Right, you only cared about the other person isn’t it?" Shiki teased and Neku responded with a blush. Rhyme giggled. "Thank god Beat told me about Joshua, Neku. Else I would be confused with what Shiki would be saying. Besides, each time we talk about him, you seem to give a huge reaction," Rhyme added and made Neku blushed even harder. "Ta think mah friend here is gay. I better not stick ta you too much, yo!" Beat joked and smacked Neku’s back. Neku growled at Beat. "I’ve told you guys many times, I’m not a gay! The reason I want to meet with that prick is to punch him right at the face for shooting me twice!" Shiki and Beat turned to each other and laughed. "Right, Neku. Like you never mope and not think about him every day," Shiki teased again and Neku scowled.

Beat sighed. "Whatever, Phones. Imma go with Eri. Need to help with clearing road for her." Neku then turned to Rhyme. "Well, I’ll go too. Not that I’m a big fan of him, but I have to stay with brother. I’m afraid he might do something stupid," Rhyme said which resulted with Beat jumping back, all nervous. Neku sighed but smiled. "Alright. You guys go ahead. I’ll go somewhere else. We’ll meet here again at 4pm," Neku said and they all agreed. As soon as the other 4 left Neku, Joshua grinned and walked passed him, causing Neku to be stunned for a while and turned to look at where Joshua went. "It can’t be…right?" Neku mumbled and saw Joshua’s back. 'Well, Neku. What would you do now?' Joshua thought to himself as he continued to walk to the Scramble Crossing. He would expect Neku to be chasing after him now.

Neku chased up to Joshua and pulled his arm. "Joshua! Is that you!?" Joshua turned to face Neku, only to cause Neku to feel slightly shocked. Neku’s grip slowly loosened and his face was slightly red. "S-sorry. I thought you’re my friend," Neku said. Joshua grinned. "That won’t do," Joshua said, shocking Neku. "But I just mistook you for someone else!" Hearing that, Joshua chuckled. "Oh, but you have to treat me for lunch, since I was late for mine. And you can’t back out since you pulled my arm." Neku frowned. He wanted to punch Joshua right in the face, but he resisted the urge as he realized this person was a stranger. 'Damnit. To think I’ve met a weirdo. Plus his laughter reminds me of him...Wait. Not just his laughter. His voice and facial features too. Only his hair and body height are different,' Neku cursed mentally. Joshua smirked at Neku’s monologue face. "Earth to you there. You ok? Let me introduce myself, though it’s late. My name is Yashiyo Ryuki. Just call me Ryu," Joshua lied. Neku stared at him and replied, "Neku. Neku Sakuraba." Joshua smirked with that reply. "Well then, Neku. Shall we go to Ken Doi’s Ramen Don?" Neku sighed again and followed.

As soon as the two of them entered Ramen Don, Ken greeted them. "So what do you kids want to have?" he asked with his usual cheerful smile. Business was booming, ever since Ouji Eiji ‘F’ the place 2 years ago. Neku remembered how he and Joshua had to help Ken with his shop as the objective of the mission. As soon as thought about Joshua, he gave an emo look. Joshua ignored Neku’s look and ordered Shio Ramen while Neku just sat and ordered a cup of green tea. Joshua then looked at Neku. "No appetite to join me for lunch? Or rather, you don’t have enough money at all, Neku?" Joshua teased. Neku scowled, and at the same time, Joshua’s phone rang. Joshua picked up his phone, not knowing how shocked Neku was when he saw the phone. 'That...that phone! It’s the exact phone as his!' Neku cried, mentally. 'It...must be a coincidence...' As soon as Joshua finished his call, Neku turned away. Joshua, of course, knew that he saw the phone. "Hey, Neku. You said you mistook me as someone you know, right?" Joshua asked and Neku responded with a nod. "Is he someone you love? That Joshua you mentioned?" Joshua asked which resulted with Neku having a heavy blush and almost choked by his tea. "W-what are you talking about, Ryu!? He’s just an old friend who is a very annoying prick and thinks he’s all smart. Plus, I just want to ask him something," Neku said as he looked away.

Joshua looked at Neku in amusement. "Hnn...so what’s his name? His real name that is." Neku turned his cup, still looking away from Joshua. "Yoshiya...Kiryu." Neku said as he hid his face. Joshua grinned and decided to continue with this façade. "Oh, him," he said, causing Neku to turned to him with a hungry look. "What! You know him!? Then could you tell me where is he now!?" Neku asked. Joshua stared at Neku and pushed Neku lightly to release his grip at him. "Calm down, lover boy. He’s so busy lately that he didn’t contact me at all. However, I can help relay the message to him, if you want to." Neku kept silent, and looked at the cup. During Neku’s silence, Joshua’s Shio Ramen arrived. As soon as Joshua was about to eat, Neku suddenly jumped up. And that caused Joshua to spill some soup on his pants. "Wait for me here! I'll be back soon, Ryu!" Neku said and ran out, leaving Joshua confused. Not that he was worried that Neku might leave him to pay the bill. He just wondered what’s gotten into him, that’s all.

1 hour later, Neku ran back to the restaurant and sat back his place. "You’re late. I already had my second round, Neku," Joshua said as he drank his cup of tea. Neku panted as he sat in his seat. He then took a white envelope from his pocket and passed it to Joshua. "Please, pass this to him, Ryu. And please don’t read it," Neku said, holding out the letter to Joshua. He took it and smirked. "Why would I read a love letter, Neku? It’s a confession from you to him," Joshua teased, causing Neku to spit his tea at Ken Doi. Ken glared at Neku, which resulted him apologizing while getting lectured to not to do that again. As soon as Neku finished listening to Ken’s lecture, he turned to Joshua with a frown. "Damn you! It is not a love letter! It’s just a normal letter since I couldn’t find ways to talk to him," Neku said and sighed. Joshua smiled and patted Neku’s back. "Alright, lover boy. I’ll give it to him," Joshua said. "And thanks for the meal." Joshua then left quickly, leaving Neku with the bill. Neku quickly paid the bill so that he could chase after him, only when he stepped out of Ramen Don, he lost sight of Joshua. He then sighed and looked at the time. 3.55pm. "Might as well go there now," Neku said and went to 104 Building to meet up with the group.

Joshua, now with his original form, sat at the throne in the Room of Beckoning, holding the letter that Neku gave him. He chuckled and opened it to read. As soon as he read it, he laughed. First, he didn’t expect Neku to write a letter for him. Second, the letter contents were so brief and were not exactly what Joshua expected it to be.

Dear Joshua,

You asshole! I’ve been calling you out to meet with us for 2 years, and not even once you appeared! Asshole! Thankfully I met someone who knew you today. His name is Ryuki so thank him well for passing you this letter! Anyway, when are you free to meet up with us? I still have not forgiven you, as a partner. But as a friend, I did. So, make time for us, ok?

Neku Sakuraba

p/s: If you don’t appear, I’ll go find Mr. H everyday till the day you appear!

Joshua then decided to imprint the word 'love' to Shiki’s and Beat’s mind, everyday. What Neku responded was denial, but unknowing to him, the feelings had already took root in his heart.


P/s: I'm not sure whether I should change the italic 'Joshua' to 'Ryuki' since he changed his name to lie to Neku. Please do tell me @@

phz, fanfiction, game

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