Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury Part Three: Growth Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence) Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others
Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...ON
They risked their lives to save him. Now, to save them, he has to risk everything else. Bonds are tested and the stakes are raised.
They brought him home from hell, now….to protect them…he has to go back….
Summary for Part Three erything changes, everything evolves...bonds, strengths and ideals. The path of self-discovery is ploughed with doubt and indifference but with a goal in mind...we will trudge on.
Chapter Eleven - Elixir
“Come back he says,”
Kota stared at the phone, a disconcerted expression on his weary face.
“What is it?”
“They act like it’s really easy, first they say ‘disappear!’ and then a few days later ‘come back, immediately!’,”
Sakura smiled slightly, zipping her bag. She jumped as Kota took it from her hand and started walking away. She stared at his retreating back, feeling her heart being squeezed within her chest. She swallowed the rising urge to cry, her brother’s confession echoing through her consciousness.
“You see, the reason I suggested Sector 0 was because Professor Kawashima asked me to…it was a trap…I’m sorry,”
Kota looked back at her and only when she realized he was looking at her with anxious eyes did she wipe the treacherous tears and gave him a week smile.
“I’m just kind of tired that’s all,” she replied. He seemed unconvinced but she was glad he didn’t press on the matter.
If the journey to the sector had been tiring, unpleasant due to the nature of their trip…the way back was dreadful. Yuya had taken over the driving and it was raining throughout the entire ride.
Nobody spoke, nobody slept. The silence was suffocating and serious especially because Kota and Hikaru were still not directly talking to each other.
It was very much late into the afternoon when they arrived at the Jimoshu and despite them having missed lunch, the group walked together to one of the practice rooms where they had been summoned by their manager.
The dark aura surrounding the boys seemed to make everyone that passed them confused and uncomfortable. As soon as they arrived at the designated room’s door, Kota spoke up;
“Let me do the talking,”
Ignoring the sarcastic ‘hmph’ from Hikaru he pushed the door open only to come face to face with half the Jimoshu.
“Ah, they are here!” said a man seated in a far corner. Sakura gasped as the man gave them a friendly wave.
“His cooperation is unsettling, don’t you think so?” Alice asked her uncle as the two stood behind a glass wall, watching a couple of medical personnel bustling around the young Idol strapped to the operating table.
Professor Kawashima shrugged.
“It’s all because of that senseless girl, if she hadn’t destroyed the data or the formula sample, we wouldn’t have needed him to this extent…but then again, he is the only survivor of the drug trials,”
“Why is that?”
“His genetic makeup was probably compatible, genes are unique for every individual; not everyone reacts to drugs the same way,”
“Then how will the elixir work on other subjects?”
“By studying the changes in Ryosuke’s DNA, we could identify which part of it was compatible with the drug, and then we can come up with the ultimate formula. Dr. Hiroshi, my most trusted man is to get ample samples of his blood and to then purify and amplify enough of the mutated gene to make the elixir we are so after.”
“And then, what of Ryosuke?”
“As soon as the formula is determined…we will, how should I put it…grant him what he so badly seeks,”
Alice gave the Professor a confused look. The man shook his head, a sympathetic smile on his face.
“Eternal slumber,”
He hardly felt the needle break his skin.
Ryosuke closed his eyes, a soft smile in place.
‘Yeah…and I’ll be taking you all with me.’
A/N: Yes I know, very very short chapter but its the end of part 3. Last Part will come soon, most probably by next week since I'll be spending my weekend travelling...going home!! Last part is not supposed to be too long and less talking cause I've done most of the background and explanations here. BTW, do you guys remember my OC Kitagawa Ken? What are your thoughts on Ryosuke's behaviour? Professor makes him sound suicidal but is that really the case?
Preview of Shadow Boys Midnight Mercury Part 4 : Quicksilver
The boys are put into a tight spot after Kitagawa Ken attempts to reveal the company's darkest secret under pressure from a certain Commander Kojima. Conflict within the Miyano family, will Sakura finally break? Jun recovers! The boys find themselves an unexpected ally.
The final showdown between the Brotherhood and Organization Quicksilver! The boys discover the ultimate forms of their abilities! Will Professor Kawashima achieve his ambition of creating the ultimate superhuman army? And what of the test subject that started it all?