Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury
Part Three: Growth
Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance
Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence)
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others
Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...ONLY
They risked their lives to save him. Now, to save them, he has to risk everything else. Bonds are tested and
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Hikaru was fumed, but I think it was understandable.. With all the stresses and unpredictable events.. And what with Ryosuke who just left without a word, and Kota who couldn't even argue with him to at least assured him that they've tried, and the sudden confession from Yuya, it was only natural.. But Hikaru had always been a rational person, he should be back soon.. I'm sure of it..
But the last thought of Ryutaro, oh my, this Ryosuke certainly knew that he'll left a huge scar to the rest of the gank.. But by him leaving without a word, I think it was done in hope that they will not pursue him anymore.. So that they'll stay safe (in which he had forgotten the fact that JUMP are just too bouncy that they will never be 'that' safe).. Even if by doing so will earn him a label of 'betrayal'.. *sigh* Really.. Ryosuke's acts is confusing me sometimes..
Anyway, thanks for this, Tsu-chan~
*off to the next chappie*
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