death warmed over, with a warm fuzzy feeling inside

Apr 27, 2013 09:02

i'm so sick... coughing, sneezing, stuffy head, but no fever!  i just feel like death warmed over.  I wish I wasn't sick.  I'm tired of dr visits.  Sadly I've been having some problems that they think are residual from my accident last year.  I may have to be referred to a neurologist for further tests.  Yes... I know... It's all in my head.  ha. ha.  It was funny the first few times but now its old.

On a different note.  Last week there was this really bad storm coming through.  temps were supposed to drop to almost freezing and it was just supposed to be nasty in general.  That's how we ended up with a few visitors.  We couldn't leave them outside under a bush in a low area to probably drown.

They were probably 24hrs old, very cold and hungry.

Mommy was half starved herself.

Samson had to check her out.  They actually like each other.  Or he likes her and she tolerates him quite well. (BTW, he's only 9mo old.)

Sadly, we started losing the kittens, one by one.  Now, the only one left is the little tom we called Muteki.  His eyes should open in the next few days.

We've been bottle feeding him along with what little he gets from mommy.  She was so starved that she isn't properly producing milk.  That's why we lost a couple in the beginning.  Other things happened and of course we didn't know how to take care of kittens.  I can do puppies but apparently kitties are a whole other story.  I found out you have to use a warm washcloth to simulate the mom's tongue and "lick" their belly to get them to poop.  Otherwise the toxicity level gets too high and they basically poison themselves.  Wish I had known that in the beginning.  We might not have lost a few of them.  The mommy is really no help.  She's a very young cat and this is obviously her first litter.  She smothered one of the kittens before we realized.  Kept laying on top of the others. Then started abandoning them.  She'd pull one or two out and take them outside the box to feed and ignore the rest.  If she wasn't somewhat helping take care of Muteki I'd throw her outside right now.  She obviously likes it out there.  That and we're really not supposed to have cats at this rent house.  We'll raise Muteki until he is strong and then put him outside with his mommy.  We're going to make them a special place in our storage building (the kids playhouse now) so they have somewhere to get out of the weather if necessary.  I'm hoping I can convince my hubby to let us bend the rules and keep him inside sometimes.  Samson likes him.  He'll come over and lick the kitty a few times when we're getting ready for a feeding.  He tries to get the mommy to play but she isn't having any of that.  She'll get in his crate and sleep with him, but not all cuddled up.  she has her area, and she tells him what is his area LOL.

OK.  I'm worn out.  I need to get rid of this cold so I can go to my Dr appt next month.  I'm worried...  when you go see one dr and they tell you it's this and then you go see the specialist and he says that is fine and nothing is wrong but you're still in a lot of pain.... well it kinda puts a damper on your spirits.


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