What is a Soul

Jul 21, 2008 05:23

It's time for another one of my ramblings! This one, is a little more like a theoretical rambling. Something I have been thinking about for a while, and finally gotten the right words to it to make it a reality. It is based on an older rambling, but with a little more evolved information and theory. And thus we begin....

What is a soul!

Obviously, I don't expect everyone to agree with this. In fact, I would be shocked if more then a small number actually believed even a portion of it. My background in pagan religions and science would seem to be at odds, as generally the two do not agree, but I think I found the key that makes them work together.

From all we know from various religions, souls are supposed to be the part of us that makes us human, that differs us from animals. This actually sounds quite plausible. Humans do things that other animals do not. We are not quite in tune with the natural world around us, and as such, it can cause problems. But this also leaves us with the first part of the puzzle: Souls are a separate part of humans.

The next part of the puzzle comes from the study of spirits and ghosts. The search for the paranormal traditionally was done with mediums and crystals and all sorts of fancy new age mumbo jumbo. Don't get me wrong, a lot of this has a valid basis, but now, the search is done with technology. K2 meters, EMF meters, Flir cameras, all of these measure various forms of energy and are said to detect ghosts. Heck, even crystals are said to resonate with certain frequencies of energy. This brings in the next piece: Souls are energy.

Most people agree that a soul is what gives us humanity, compassion, understanding and humour. That may very well be exactly the truth. These things are obviously lacking from most, if not all of the animal species. And for all our posturing, we are still just animals, albeit intelligent ones. But there is a spark that can separate us from the beasts. This spark is the soul. It is the good within us, and is our conscience.

Now comes the part which people will probably start disagreeing with. It stems from the first part. Everyone has heard that a certain person may be 'soulless' and as such, not worthy of being a part of society. That actually may be truer then they imagine. I think souls, while generally are a part of most humans, are not ALWAYS present.

So where does that leave us? We have established that souls are energy and may or may not be present in all people. They keep us from being the beasts that our physical forms would instinctually drive us towards. That sounds almost like they are controlling us. That they are pilots in the machine that is our body. Perhaps we are not looking at souls the right way. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe souls are NOT of this world?

The universe is billions upon billions of years old. We think we are the first intelligent life form out there. What a load of rubbish. What most people don't realize is that countless suns have been born and died even before we came into existence. The very molecules that make up our bodies are remnants from old exploded stars. We are, quite literally, recycled from old systems. We could very well be reformed from another ancient civilization. And for all we know, they may still be a part of us.

What, you may ask, am I talking about? A common theme in old stories and new ones, is about people ascending beyond the physical plane. Becoming one with the universe. Achieving nirvana. Or in science fiction terminology, becoming energy beings. Now you see where I am going. Energy beings. Souls are energy. Ascended beings would have a heightened sense or morality. Souls are the sources of our morality. The connection is made. Perhaps souls are actually energy beings that form a symbiotic relationship with a physical form. Why? Well, the Hindu believe that our souls return until we get everything right. Perhaps those energy beings, while still having a heightened sense of morality, are not perfect. They need to improve themselves. And they have to keep working at it until they get it right.

But this also makes me wonder, we talk about ages of souls. Certainly with an explosion of population, we wonder if there was enough souls to fill all these human vessels. Well, I am sure a race that is made of energy has a way to reproduce. And of course, that means newer beings, or should we just call them souls now. And being energy, I am sure there are ways to actually destroy them. Hell, the destruction, both on a physical and energy scale, of nuclear weapons, would probably rip a soul apart. So it stands to reason some souls just don't make it. And perhaps a population explosion in the human side can cause a deficiency on the soul side, making soulless people, who end up being killers, or worse.

All the theories of the alien intervention causing human beings to evolve, may actually have some small basis in fact. The souls, over millions of years, influenced subtle changes to help bring about a form best suited to their living in. But then comes the sticking point of this while theory. Does this mean the soul is in charge or the body? Well, it actually would be a combination of both. A true symbiotic relationship helps both beings. That is true in nature as well. Take a look at the Egyptian Plover, a bird which has developed a symbiotic relationship with crocodiles. The crocodiles open their mouths, the birds fly in, pick out bits of food between their teeth, and go on with their lives safely. Even though crocodiles eat birds, they don't eat these, simply because the teeth cleaning is actually beneficial to them. Humans provide the souls with a body to help better themselves, and the souls provide humans with much needed guidance to keep them from descending into chaos. Its too bad some don't listen to them.

Suddenly, the concept of being a soul from a past life, reborn in a new body makes sense. It also accounts for memories that could not be a part of the physical form, the whole global consciousness belief. So when you die, your soul sticks around for a while, until it finds another body. Sometimes, it gets stuck, like with ghosts, especially if it is a tragic or violent death. Those souls may just be looking for something that will help them pass on. Or maybe they felt so dedicated to something, they can't even pass on. That itself leads into a whole new examination of ghosts and hauntings.

Now if this is true, it does have one interesting side effect. Past lives obviously can go back quite a ways. Humans have been recording things for several thousand years. But what about before humans were humans? When did the first souls arrive? And where did they arrive from? There would be old souls, ones from back in ancient days when man first evolved, and then there would be OLD souls, ones from before that, perhaps on another planet. Souls with memories of things that are beyond our current realm of comprehension.

Yes, this is a little far fetched. Yes, this is purely theoretical. But in all honesty, I believe there is a lot more truth to this then even I care to admit. It would certainly explain a lot more about things then we would at first believe. And it explains many things in my life. Things I don't care to discuss, or have never discussed with others. And no, this has nothing to do with that crazy cult known as Scientology. To be honest, I have never even read anything on it. I don't care to. While it is possible they may have a sound theory or two, does nothing to excuse their methods. I cannot abide by that kind of behaviour from any religion, which explains my hatred of a lot of them.
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