Nov 04, 2005 13:16
I cant describe just how mad the last 10 weeks have been, firstly there has been a huge lack of sleep due to Baby Holly haha, she tends to have a last feed at midnite and then can sleep until 8am if we are lucky..
I am also looking for a new job as Hollys first month was celebrated by me and the rest of our call centre being made redundant! so I got a good payout and have had 2 wonderful months off to play with the baby and try and keep B from going nutzo, she is a wonderful mummy, and we are rewarded daily with cute smiles from Holly.
Holly now has her own passport, so she will go with us to Hong Kong in March, I really wanted to go for Chinese New Year, but B's younger sister is due to deliver a baby (called Tiffany :) ) in mid March, so we will probably go so we can be there for the birth.
I also finished my VTEC JDM Integra install so am now extremely happy, but that will be for another post.
Hope all is well,