Whispered Conversations 2/2

Dec 21, 2011 11:42

Sighing, Mercedes trailed after Rachel. It was the last Tuesday before Christmas holidays began and glee was going to start soon. “Are you sure this is going to work?”

“Of course, just have a little faith,” replied Rachel.

Mercedes rolled her eyes. “That's what you said last time,” she muttered under her breath.

Ignoring her friend's negativity, she rapped on Mr. Schue's office door. “Trust me, this will work.”

Their teacher opened the door with a surprised look on his face, “Rachel, Mercedes. What can I do for you two?”

Rachel smiled, “hello Mr. Schue! Mercedes and I were hoping to talk to you about a prospective seasonal glee club assignment.”


“We were thinking since its Christmas we could do some holidays songs again this year.” Said Rachel.

“We don't want to go around to classrooms again though!” Added Mercedes quickly, when Mr. Schue got that familiar, excited glint in his eye.

Schue winced at the memory. “No, no, that didn't work out too well... That's a great idea though, girls! I'm guessing you already have songs you want to sing...?”

That was her cue. Mercedes spoke up. “I wanted to sing All I Want for Christmas.”

Rachel bounced excitedly on the balls of her feet, happy that Mr. Schue had agreed to her idea. “I'm still trying to come up with the perfect holiday song, however I know that although Kurt couldn't be here to request it personally,” she continued, “he requested that he and Blaine duet Let It Snow together.”

Mr. Schue was busy writing the songs down in his planner and didn't see Rachel wink at Mercedes. When he wrote the last request he stopped and looked up, “really? Didn't they just break up a couple of weeks ago?”

“Yeees but Kurt said they were hoping to do this as a 'still friends' sort of gesture,” she lied.

Mr. Schue smiled warmly. “That's great to see that they're still friends then!”

Leaning against the door while Rachel convinced Mr. Schue of the assignment, Mercedes decided to wrap up the discussion and leave. “Yeah... so can we sing those songs?” she asked.

“Of course! I'm going to be a while but I'll see you girls in a bit.”

The girls left and as soon as the door shut Mercedes turned to Rachel. “I don't think this will work.”

Rachel rolled her eyes, they'd been over this already. “Mercedes, don't be so negative. Once Kurt sees you singing to Sam he'll realise that someone else wants him so he needs to get a move on and not waste time. And if that doesn't work, when Kurt and Blaine duet Sam will feel so jealous he'll have no choice but to tell Kurt how he feels about him.” She sighed dreamily and Mercedes had to wonder how long Rachel had been planning this.

Instead all she could manage was, “you're crazy.”

Entering the choir room, Rachel sat in the first row so that she could easily move to the front and take control of the class if she needed to. Mercedes liked to sit at the back where she could drift off and not pay attention to what was happening or otherwise see everything and not have to crane her neck too far.

Soon everyone started filing in, the last was Kurt who trailed behind a happy, hand holding Brittany and Santana. He took in the contents of the room, looking a little lost, and when his eyes landed on Sam sitting with Rory, Puck and Mike in the back row he purposefully strode in the other direction to sit beside Finn. Rachel tried to get his attention and see if he was okay but Mr. Schue chose that moment to walk in, a slight spring in his step.

“Ho ho ho! It's that time of year again guys, Christmas! And you know what that means,” he wrote something down on the whiteboard, “Christmas songs!”

Everyone broke into excited chatter, coming up with songs they'd like to sing. Mr. Schue watched with a smile and let them talk amongst themselves for a moment before he turned towards the whiteboard and started writing the names of the songs and people who wanted to sing them.

“Wait Mr. Schue, don't we get to choose?” asked Artie, who'd been talking with Sugar when he'd noticed the names and songs.

Mr. Schue motioned towards them. “Yeah, yeah, of course guys! I want to hear your suggestions.”

A dark look crossed Kurt's face. “Why am -”

Rachel quickly jumped up, interrupting Kurt's question. “I think what Mr. Schue is trying to do is give us some ideas and these are great. Mercedes, haven't you been practicing this song for a while?” She sent a significant look to Mercedes.

“Oh right, yeah!” Mercedes got up and went over to the band to have a quick word with them then stood in front of the room as the music started.

“I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree...”

As she sang, she looked towards Sam as they'd planned.

“I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you...”

He nodded along to the song, smiling but it was fading fast as she continued to sing and stare at him.

“I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree...”

Mike nudged Sam jokingly but he didn't take any notice, frozen in place watching Mercedes sing to him.

“...Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you...”

During the performance Rachel glanced at Kurt out of the corner of her eye to see how he was reacting and couldn't help but feel a little pleased. He was trying to hide his obvious jealousy behind a smile that was so cold and forced that Rachel wondered if the room had actually become cooler or it was just her.

“...I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick...”

Mercedes stopped singing to Sam and moved about the room, going up to each of her friends and smiling widely.

“I won't even stay awake
To hear those magic reindeer click...”

Santana and Brittany who leaned into each other and shared a kiss.

“... Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do?
Baby, all I want for Christmas is you
You, (baby!)

(Oh yeah) All the lights are shining so brightly every where
And the sound of children's laughter fills the air.”

Tina and Quinn who were sitting with each other today and sang along with her.

“And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me-e-e!”

Finn and Rachel swayed to the beat.

“I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door...”

And Kurt looked like he was quietly planning her slow and gruesome death. She tried not to let it unnerve her and continued on.

“... Oh I just want him for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby, all I want for Christmas is you...”

Belting out her big finish, at each “you” she pointed towards a different person with the last one reserved for a pale and unsettled Sam.

When she finished everyone, except Sam and Kurt, cheered and Mr. Schue clapped her on the shoulder. “Wow, that was fantastic Mercedes, thanks! Looks like someone's set a high bar this week.” Mercedes smiled, basking in the applause.

Even though she and Rachel had planned this, praise was always welcome. Although the sour expression on Kurt's face lessened the achievement she felt from everyone's reaction to her performance. Mercedes went back to her seat and tried to ignore the guilt gnawing away at her stomach.

The lesson continued and Mercedes tuned it out, thinking about other things like whether or not Blaine's eyebrows were naturally that triangular or if he had them shaped. And if she should start buying presents for the glee club just so she could buy him a pair of socks, like did he seriously own any? Also how she'd get Kurt to forgive her after today.

“So guys, I want you to come up to me with your song suggestions,” said Mr. Schue as everyone got up to leave, startling Mercedes out of her thoughts on using Blaine's eyebrows for her trigonometry homework. “And Kurt, Blaine - I can't wait to hear your rendition of Let It Snow, it's one of my favourites.”

Kurt didn't seem interested and instead stormed out, ignoring Blaine who apparently wanted to discuss their duet and Finn who rode home with Kurt and Sam on Tuesday afternoons. Mercedes barged passed them both and quickly caught up to him.

“Kurt, I'm sorry,” she started, “I didn't know you'd be upset. I just... I knew you guys were friends but I didn't realise you felt that way.”

He stopped walking and rounded on her so fast she had to watch that she didn't run into him. “I don't know what you're talking about,” he snapped.

She looked over her shoulder to see Sam, Finn and Blaine watching them talk. When they were caught spying they quickly looked away to stare at the ceiling or took out their phones to play with them.

Rolling her eyes she dragged him out of earshot. “You seemed pretty upset during my performance, and I thought -”

“Do you still like him?” Kurt interrupted.

Looking down, Mercedes bit her lip contemplating her answer. A white lie wouldn't hurt, right? Especially if it helped Kurt in the end. “I don't know how I feel, I'm confused. Sam treats me so good, and it's not every day a good looking guy chases after you and tells you he's going to win you back, you know?”

Kurt studied her with an inscrutable expression. “You broke up with him,” he said slowly, “why are you trying to get back together with him?”

“Why are you so curious?” She shot back.

He tensed. “I don't want him getting hurt.”

“I'm not going to hurt him,” she replied icily, shocked and offended at Kurt's reply.

“Mercedes, this is turning into an off and on again relationship. Someone is bound to get hurt.”

Upset that he thought she would hurt Sam like that, she responded sarcastically, “because you're obviously an expert on the subject.” As soon as the words slipped out of her mouth she wished she could take it back.

Kurt stared at her and as if a transformation came over him, his expression turned cool and haughty. He brushed passed her, she turned watching him go. “I'm so-!”

“Don't.” He bit out. Mercedes stared after him sadly, wishing she could take it all back.

When he reached the three boys Blaine was the first to speak. “Kurt, I -” he started and Kurt held up a finger, cutting off whatever he was about to say.

“I'll speak to you tonight.” Then he turned to Sam and Finn. “Are you two ready to leave?”

“Yeah, man.” Finn clapped Blaine on the shoulder. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

Sam, on the other hand, glared at Blaine as he followed Kurt and Finn.

As the three walked passed Mercedes on their way to the car, she received a similar reaction: Finn waved at her while Sam avoided her eye and mumbled out something that sounded like a goodbye, but Kurt gave her the cold shoulder and that hurt most of all.

After the three had left, apparently Blaine had come to stand beside her because from her left he sighed and said, “I don't understand why he gets so touchy, its just a duet.”

Mercedes stared at him in disbelief, was he always this oblivious? She suddenly understood why Sam seemed so angry at him when he left if this was what Blaine had been saying while she'd been talking to Kurt.

The next day they were back in the choir room. Mercedes was sitting talking with Brittany and Santana while they waited for Kurt and Blaine to start their duet. The two of them were up the front talking quietly to each other about something, probably to do with their performance, and Mercedes couldn't help but wonder how this was going to go.

Kurt had obviously been in charge of deciding what they were going to wear for the performance because they were both donned in suits. They reminded Mercedes of one of those black and white movies from the 1950s that Kurt loved so much. Their clothes were simple, Blaine's was black with a bow tie while Kurt had a silver suit which was similar to what he wore that time with Rachel after their duets assignment.

He was standing stiff as a board while Blaine was looking at Kurt with a mixture of impatience, agitation and confusion. Whatever it was, when they finished Blaine went to the piano and sat next to Brad who got up for him, grumbling and glaring all the while.

“Wait, he can get up from the piano?” Brittany asked. “I thought it was like a part of him.” Everyone stared at her in amazement. “You know, like he got sewn to it. Surgically.”

No one seemed to know what to say so Mr. Schue told Kurt and Blaine to start. The band and Blaine started playing while he sang and looked at Kurt flirtatiously.

“Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!”

Kurt was sitting on top of the piano and swinging his legs. He looked over at Blaine and smiled sweetly, singing his part.

“It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I brought some corn for poppin'
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!”

They continued singing together and Mercedes peered around the room. Everyone was enjoying it, tapping a foot along to the beat or singing quietly under their breath. She caught Rachel's eye from where she was resting her head on Finn's shoulder, she seemed to be enjoying the performance too but when no one was looking Rachel lifted her head and nodded it towards the back.

Mercedes turned inconspiciously, Mike, Puck and Rory were sitting up the back again. They were like everyone else who was enjoying the performance but none of them seemed to be taking any notice of Sam, who was sitting with them and seemed almost bored. He was slumped in his seat, arms crossed over his chest, watching the performance and checking his watch every couple of minutes.

Back in front of them Kurt was still sitting on the piano while Blaine had let Brad go back to his original seat and was instead dancing around, dragging a chair forward to jump on top of it. Then he hopped off and pulled Kurt from his seat so that he could spin them around the room. Mercedes laughed at Kurt's shocked expression, apparently that hadn't been a part of their plan.

When they finished Mercedes whooped and cheered with the rest of the club sans Sam who clapped slowly, although it looked like an effort to do so. Once again, Mercedes wondered if she and Rachel had been right. If Sam really liked Kurt, wouldn't he be overcome with jealousy and possessiveness right now? Then why did he look like he'd rather be anywhere else but here?

Mercedes decided to say something, so while the next group got ready for their song she went and sat next to Sam. “Hey Sam, what up?”

He sent her a nervous look out of the corner of his eye and started jiggling his leg distractedly, “Uh nothing, what's up with you?”

“Nothing, nothing...” She drummed her fingers against the sides of the chair, the awkward silence was suffocating. Deciding to get straight to the point she said, “Kurt and Blaine rocked that song, don't you think?”

He glanced at her with suspicion. “Yeah, it was great. Really... really energetic.”

“Mm...” Had it always been this difficult holding a conversation with him? Or was that a recent development? “It's too bad they broke up because they sound good together.”

Sam gave her a sidelong glance. “Blaine practically cheated on him.”

The band started the music for the next song and not knowing how to respond Mercedes left it at that. They ended up sitting together for the rest of class in an awkward silence as Finn and Puck sang 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'.

Everything was fluffy and soft. It was the first thing she noticed about Rachel's room when what she really wanted was something hard so she could bang her head against it in frustration. Her desk wouldn't work because it was so neatly cluttered that there wasn't enough room for her to lay her palms flat and let gravity do its thing with her head. Also, Rachel was sitting at it. The cupboard might work though...

Rachel tapped a finger against her bottom lip in thought. “So when you spoke to him he didn't seem interested, at all?”

Falling back against the pillows, she stared in defeat at the canopy of Rachel's bed. “Nope. Coulda had Brittany dressed as Shrek and square dancing to Gwen Stefani and I doubt he would have cracked a smile,” she said and Rachel groaned.

Rachel paced around her room, worrying her bottom lip in thought. “We can't give up.” Mercedes watched tiredly from the bed.

She was over this stupid scheme of Rachel's. Her best friend was angry at her and wouldn't answer her calls or texts begging that he at least listen to her apology. If they hadn't decided to play matchmaker to begin with, Kurt would still be talking to her.

Rachel stopped suddenly and turned around, grinning excitedly. “I have an idea!”


Rachel rang the doorbell to the Hummel-Hudson home and patiently waited for someone to come answer. Inside there was yelling, loud Christmas music and the sound of crashing and explosions which she assumed was Sam and Finn playing video games. Through all the noise she was surprised anyone even heard the doorbell ring.

Someone did though and the door swung open to reveal a grinning Finn. “Hey Rachel! Mr. Berry, Mr. Berry. Glad you guys could make it.”

“Finn, good to see you again.” Leroy Berry greeted, shaking Finn's hand as he made his way inside the house.

Hiram Berry followed. “Happy holidays, Finn! I hope you all had a good Christmas?” He asked, taking off his coat in the hallway and looking around the house curiously since it was the first time he'd visited. “And where are your lovely parents?”

“Oh uh in the kitchen, washing the dishes from Christmas lunch and stuff.”

Hearing voices in the entrance Burt and Carol came out to greet the Berry's, kissing cheeks and exchanging pleasantries before leading them back through the kitchen and into the dining room.

“Yeah so I was just inside the living room with Sam and Kurt,” said Finn as he started to lead them there. “And we were playing Halo but -”

Rachel tugged on his hand to stop him. “Wait Finn, look what I brought.” Out of her bag she pulled out a sprig of mistletoe that she'd bought at the store. “Last time I was here I noticed you didn't have any, so I thought it might be romantic if I were to put some up and if we both happened to be under it at the same time...”

Finn grinned and plucked it from her fingers, holding it above their heads and leaning down to give her a kiss which she eagerly rose onto her tiptoes to meet. “Yeah, let me just find like some tape or something.” He went up to his room then came back a couple of minutes later holding the tape.

Taking the mistletoe, he looked around for a good place to put it before Rachel pointed out the doorway to the living room. Reaching up, he stuck it in place then took her hand and continued where he left off. “Yeah so I thought maybe we could watch a movie instead.”

Kurt turned around on the couch where he sat (closely, Rachel noted happily) next to Sam who was still engrossed in the game but called out a greeting when they entered. “Hey Rachel, and Finn I refuse to watch you two play this boring and pointless game a moment longer. We are watching a movie.”

That seemed to get Sam's attention. “What? How is it pointless? You get to blow up aliens!”

Kurt rolled his eyes at that, although Rachel saw the corner of his lips twitching as if a smile was trying to break free and ruin his facade.

“Well I'm with Kurt, I vote we watch a movie,” she stated, taking a seat next to Finn.

Finn laughed. “I'm cool with that. Looks like Halo's been out voted, dude,” he said to Sam who groaned and slumped into the cushions.

Scoffing, Kurt hit him lightly in the chest and then chuckled as Sam gave a melodramatic cry of pain and rubbed the spot, pouting. “Don't worry, it's not the end of the world. I promise we won't watch anything with too many musical numbers.”

True to his word, they put on a movie that they would all enjoy and spent the next couple of hours just sitting in each others company. Kurt commented on how predictable the story line was and Sam did impressions of the characters which had them all in stitches, while Carole came in to check on them every once in a while when they were being particularly loud.

Any doubts she had after the Christmas carol assignment about whether Kurt and Sam actually liked each other disappeared by the time the movie ended. She would catch them leaning into each other, or would sometimes find Sam watching Kurt with a soft smile. Kurt too seemed to take every opportunity to touch Sam - clutching onto his hand during certain scenes, brushing their knees together and once she'd even caught him reaching up to brush a stray hair out of Sam's face before seeming to catch himself and suddenly pulling back.

Checking her watch Rachel realised if she didn't do something soon she'd run out of time. “Kurt, I was wondering if I could have a look at my dress, the one you took from my sleepover. You said you wanted to fix it?”

Kurt nodded. “Absolutely! Thank you for reminding me Rachel. Maybe you could also try it on? I want to see if I need to make any adjustments.”

They stood up and Rachel tugged on Finn's hand, who'd picked up the controller again ready to continue his game with Sam. “Finn, I want you to come look too. I value your opinion and was hoping you could tell me what you think?”

He looked between her and Kurt. “Uh yeah I guess?” He replied as if asking for Kurt's permission, then looked at Sam. “Um...”

Seeing her opening, Rachel quickly jumped in. “Sam can come too!”

Sam shrugged. “Yeah, okay.”

“Wait, wait,” Finn frowned and held up a hand. “Don't you have to, like, take your clothes off when you try clothes on and stuff?”

Kurt brushed him off with a wave. “She can change in the bathroom across the hall.”

The boys stood and Rachel hugged Finn's arm, telling Kurt and Sam to go on ahead. She smiled at her boyfriend, leaning up on her toes for kiss. “I'm really happy I got to spend the holidays with you this year, Finn.” As they broke apart she glanced to her side just in time to see Kurt and Sam walk under the mistletoe. “Ah ha!” The boys stopped where they were and they all turned to look at her, curiously. “You're standing under the mistletoe, you know what that means!”

The two boys froze and glanced up, cheeks and ears reddening. “Who put that there?” Kurt muttered, looking anywhere but at Sam.

“Rachel brought it over,” said Finn and Kurt stared at her suspiciously.

Stammering her response, Rachel tried to shift the focus off her. “I - I thought since this was going to be my first Christmas, I'd participate in some festive traditions - mistletoe being an obvious one.” She entwined Finn's fingers with hers, “so in the spirit of Christmas, you two should participate too.” She bit her lip anxiously, hoping she wasn't pushing the issue too far. “It's just a kiss, right?”

Sam and Kurt held each other's gaze. “It's just a kiss,” Sam repeated, eyes flickering to where Kurt licked his lips.

“Just a kiss,” Kurt affirmed.

They leaned in to each other; Kurt's hand came up to Sam's shoulder and Sam's hands fluttered at his sides, not knowing what to do before he rested one on Kurt's hip while the other he placed on Kurt's arm.

Rachel held her breath, heart thudding in her chest. This was it, her plan would be a success. Their eyes were half-lidded, yes, just a little closer...

“Hey guys, I heard the movie stop so I thought I'd check to see if you wanted any-” Burt Hummel stopped short when he saw the scene before him. “Snacks. Uh am I interrupting something?” He asked, taking in his son leaning in to kiss the boy he was letting stay in his home, and his other son's girlfriend who looked like she was about to fall over she was leaning in so far.

Kurt and Sam jumped back from each other as if they'd been burnt.

“Dad, hi!” Kurt greeted, voice high and breathless.

Sam stepped back another two steps at the sight of Kurt's father, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans. “Mr. Hummel, uh this isn't - I swear this isn't what it looks like!”

Burt crossed his arms, giving Sam a hard look. “Is that so? Well, tell me what it looks like because to me it looked like you were about to kiss my son.”

“Well yeah but I mean, like, I didn't plan to,” Sam tried to explain then realising how that sounded tried to elaborate. “Not that I don't want to because your son is awesome and helps me with my homework all the time and is a really great guy and stuff. But like I would never, you know, like touch him - under your roof! Fuck, sorry. I mean I wouldn't touch him under your roof, not not touch him because I don't care about that stuff, like I don't care that he's gay or whatever -”

“- Sam, stop.” Kurt interrupted, resting a hand on his arm and Sam shut up, realising he was just digging himself into a deeper hole and coming off as a bigger idiot.

Realising this was her mess to clean up, Rachel stepped in. “Mr. Hummel, we were just heading up to Kurt's room when Kurt and Sam got caught under the mistletoe. I insisted that they uphold tradition since this was my first real Christmas.”

Burt nodded. “Uh huh, well on your way.” The four started to walk up the stairs but he stopped them again. “Hold on a second. Not you, son, I want to have a little chat with you.” Sam turned around, petrified.

Kurt groaned. “Really, Dad, right now? Can't it wait until tomorrow. It's Christmas.”

The two Hummels had a silent battle of the wills but eventually Burt gave in. “Okay, first thing tomorrow though, Sam, you and I are going to have a little chat.”

Looking as if he had just been told the date of his execution, Sam forced a smile onto his face and noded his agreement then followed the other three upstairs.

“Oh wow dude, I totally thought he was going to, like, kill you or something,” said Finn as soon as the door shut behind them.

Kurt rolled his eyes and opened his closet door, looking for Rachel's dress. “Yes, thank you for the commentary, Finn, but I hardly think it's necessary.” Finding what he was looking for, he turned around holding it up for them to inspect. “So, what do you think?”

“Kurt, it's wonderful!” Rachel gasped, clasping her hands in front of her.

A little smug, Kurt smiled. “It is, isn't it?”

“Wow, you made that?” Exclaimed Sam, impressed.

“Dude, that is awesome!” Finn grinned, proud of his brother. “Yeah, he totally made what he wore to prom too!”

Rachel watched on, glad that Mr. Hummel's interruption hadn't changed the way the two interacted with each other. “No way! You're so talented, Kurt.” Sam smiled at him in that same adoring way Finn often looked at her, and it gave her hope that her plan would work out fine.

Mercedes was once again in her room, painting her nails while Rachel chatted away through her phone which was cradled between her head and shoulder. Every so often Mercedes would make general sounds of acknowledgment, that she was listening to what Rachel was saying, not she need the encouragement to keep talking.

“So the plan failed again, is that what you're saying?” She asked when Rachel finally stopped to breathe.

“No,” Rachel hissed, “I made progress! This plan was never meant to be an overnight success.”

“Overnight is kind of what we need, if we want them together by your goal date! What's next then? A group dinner that we all have to cancel on at the last minute?” She suggested sarcastically.


“Why exactly did we agree to this again?” Kurt asked, as he took a sip from his lemonade.

Kurt, Sam, Finn and Rachel were all crammed into a booth at Breadstix later that week, waiting for Mercedes to arrive and they were all quickly becoming impatient.

Rachel checked the time (and whether Mercedes had sent her message yet) on her phone for the upteenth time that night, and sighed, “she should be here by now.”

Finn grabbed another breadstick from the basket, munching on it thoughtfully. “Maybe she got caught in traffic?”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “You would think she'd have let us know she'd be late.”

“I don't get it, man. Why are you so annoyed at Mercedes anyway?” Finn asked.

Rachel turned to Kurt, curious. Mercedes hadn't mentioned that she and Kurt were fighting but she had been pretty quiet when Rachel had brought him up.

Kurt took another sip of his drink as he considered his reply. “We had an argument.”

“I didn't realise you two were fighting,” said Rachel, “since when?”

Sam, who had been quietly watching the entire exchange up until now, spoke up with his cheeks reddening at the memory, “last Tuesday.”

Rachel's eyes widened as she realised what that date was. “Oh right, yes, that was the day she sang that Christmas song to Sam, wasn't it?”

Kurt pursed his lips. “Was it? I don't remember.”

Rachel hid a smile behind her glass. His jealousy was so obvious, their plan was working well. Next to her, her phone vibrated and Rachel grabbed at it. Finally! sorry for the late mssg rach, the message said, uncle just came over to drop off my cousins. my aunts just gone into labour. Surprised that something had actually happened to hold Mercedes up, Rachel looked up to find the three boys staring at her. “That was Mercedes, her aunt's having a baby so she has to babysit her cousins.”

“How exciting,” Kurt gasped, clapping his hands together and Rachel had to smile at that.

Finn nodded, chewing on another breadstick. “Yeah, so does that mean we can order now?”

“Yes!” Sam exclaimed with relief and motioned to the waitress.

“So,” Rachel began when the waitress finished taking their orders, “just the four of us now, it's almost like a double date.”

“Yeah, almost,” Sam laughed nervously.

Kurt blushed a furious red and took another sip of his drink. “So, I hear from Puckerman that you're having another party, for New Years?”

“My dads are going to Columbus for a romantic New Year's weekend and to visit some college friends of theirs, which means the house will be empty. And I thought I could invite the glee club to my house for another party,” Rachel explained.


Kurt nodded, eyes lighting up at the mention of a party. “Let's hope it turns out better than last time,” he chuckled.

Rachel rolled her eyes, she remembered her little fling with Blaine last year and didn't plan on repeating, especially since she and Finn were together this time around. “Don't worry, Kurt, the only person I'm going to duet with this year is Finn,” she smiled at her boyfriend, a hundred ideas for romantic songs they could sing together racing through her mind. “And anyway, Blaine said he was going to Maine with his family this year for Christmas so he won't even be here.”

That got Sam's attention. “Awesome, maybe the rest of us could have a go at singing karaoke then.”

Kurt choked on his drink and Sam rubbed his back, and asked in a low concerned voice, “are you all right?” Kurt nodded, waving him off.

“It wasn't that bad, man, I mean you seemed to have fun. You hooked up with Santana and Brittany and, like, I know they're both aweso-” Rachel cleared her throat. “Awesome at doing that thing where you tie cherry stems with your tongue. Doesn't that mean you're a good kisser? I heard it means you're a good kisser. Anyone else want to refill their drink? Mines finished.” He asked, motioning for the waitress to bring a refill.

Sam hid a grin behind his hand, “nice save, dude.” Rachel glared at him.

Their food came and they continued to talk about the New Year's Eve party, Kurt insisting they have a disco ball as a homage to Times Square, only theirs wouldn't be able to drop at midnight. Finn seemed to be trying to convince Sam to hook up with different girls at the party.

“What about Sugar?” He asked. “I'm pretty sure I saw her checking you out the other day in glee.”

“Yeah I don't know, man. I think there's something going on between her and Rory, like they seem pretty close,” Sam answered.

“Really? I didn't see that one coming,” Finn replied. “What about Quinn then?” They all stared at him. “Ah on second thoughts, maybe not.”

Sam sighed, “look, I appreciate what you're doing Finn but I'm not really interested in any of those girls. Actually, I kinda like someone else...”

Rachel's ears perked up, someone else? She glanced at Kurt to gauge his reaction but he was facing a red-faced Sam in curiosity too.

“Who?” Asked Finn, eagerly leaning forward. “Do we know her? Is she a cheerleader?”

Just as Sam went to answer, two phones ringing cut him off and Rachel cursed her luck. “Sorry,” she said, answering it and saw Kurt picking up his own at the same time. “Hello?”

“Rachel, darling,” said her father on the other end of the line, and her eyes widened in realisation. “This is that call you asked me to make to get you out of dinner. We have a bit of a family emergency you see,” he sighed. “Your father and I can't seem to agree on which classical Broadway musical characters we should dress up as for the New Year's Eve party and we need you and Finn to come help us decide. See you soon, pumkin!” And with that he hung up.

A hand waved in front of her face. “Is everything all right?” Finn asked, pulling back his hand. “You look a little pale.”

“Uh yes,” she cleared her throat and sighed, she'd have to give up Sam's answer for her plan. It would all work out, she repeated to herself, it was all for the best. “That was my dad, apparently there's a family emergency. Finn, can you drive me back to my house?”

Finn nodded and they stood up, putting money down for their food. He held out her jacket for her to put on and that was when she noticed Kurt and Sam getting up too.

“Wait, wait. Where are you two going?” She hoped she didn't sound panicked. Why was nothing working for her? “You don't have to leave because we are!”

“We're not. Apparently my aunt's in town for the night,” Kurt answered excitedly. “Dad just rang and asked if I can come home early since she's leaving early tomorrow morning.” He bounced on the balls of his feet, barely able to contain his excitement, and went on to explain. “I can't wait to see her, she my mum's sister and was the first person who I saw after I came out. She was such a big inspiration for me because she's been through it too.”

Rachel nodded in a daze. “Oh, I see.”

“Maybe you should take her home, Finn,” Sam suggested, patting her arm comfortingly. “She looks like she's in shock. I hope the family emergency thing turns out okay.”

When they got to their respective cars Kurt hugged her tightly. “Call me when you can, and I'm sorry tonight didn't work out. We'll go another night instead.”

Finn helped her into the car and then they left. To help her dads pick out costumes for a party. Where did her plan go wrong?

This wasn't working. All their plans so far had failed: romantic notes from secret admirers, making them jealous, tricking them, and setting them up for a date. Now it was nearing midnight on New Year's Eve and it didn't look like they would be able to get Kurt and Sam together after all.

They were in Rachel's basement for the party she's promised Puck. A better place to keep an eye on the boys, she'd reassured Mercedes, home ground advantage. Mercedes had to resist the urge to roll her eyes because she knew Rachel wanted it at her house so she could sing karaoke,.

Sending Finn away to get them drinks left the two girls alone to talk. Mercedes stared up at Rachel from her spot on the couch. She was standing in that familiar pose, hands on her hips and chin determinedly jutted forward like she was surveying her battlefield, ready to go to war.

“We would have had better luck if we just locked them in a closet,” Mercedes muttered under her breath and took a sip of her drink. Seeing that familiar manic glint in Rachel's eye, she knew she'd heard. “No!” She watched her friends have fun, drinking and dancing to the music that was blasting from the speakers. “You know what, Rachel? We should just give up and try again another time,” Mercedes said. “It's New Year's Eve, can't we let this go for one evening and have some fun?”

“We can't do that!” Cried Rachel in protest, pouting and taking a seat next to Mercedes. “we chose New Year's Eve because it would be romantic.”

“Yeah, so then let's just change the whole goal date thing,” said Mercedes, “Valentine's Day is in six weeks, we can try and get them together by then.”

“Get who together?” Asked a voice from above them and the girls looked up to see Kurt standing there with a red solo cup poised at his his lips for a drink and an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

Rachel and Mercedes looked at each other, panicking, what did they say? Kurt squeezed himself in the space between them, cheeks a rosy red from drinking and a smile spread wide over his face. “Well, come clean! If you're playing matchmaker I want to join. It'll be just like Clueless, only with better fashion.”

Rachel thought quickly, trying to find a couple they could tell Kurt they were trying to set up but that he would forget about later. Sam's words from the other night coming back to her. “Sugar and Rory!”

He seemed pensive for a minute, gazing around the contents of the room until he found what (or who) he was looking for. “Yeah, I can see it. That would be cute.”

Rachel spotted them by the bar where all the drinks were set up, talking quietly with each other.

Behind Kurt's back, Mercedes mouthed a confused what? to her and Rachel gave a one-shouldered shrug, I didn't know who else to say, she mouthed back.

After that, they sat watching the rest of the glee club dance around the basement and take turns at karaoke (Brittany, Tina and Santana were singing Rihanna) while Mercedes showed Kurt and Rachel the pictures of her new little cousin. Their company soon turned awkward though, the more Mercedes became aware that it was Kurt sitting next to her and that they were still technically fighting. She wanted to say something, apologise, because she didn't want to start of the new year mad at the best friend she'd had since she was twelve.

“Kurt, I'm sorry.”

“Mercedes, I want to apologise.”

She and Kurt stared at each other in surprise. He motioned for her to go first so she continued, “I'm really sorry about what happened between us, I was annoyed and didn't think about what I was saying.”

He smiled and held her hand between both of his. “That makes two of us.” He took a deep, shuddering breath and looked up at her again. “I wasn't being honest with you that day. You were right, when you sang that song to Sam, I was overcome with jealousy but I was scared to tell you so I lashed out.”

That startled her. “What? Wait, why were you scared to tell m - oh.”

Kurt nodded and Mercedes wondered why he looked so guilty. “Yeah, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you -”

“Hey Kurt!” A drunk and grinning Sam cut him off, his eyes were shining and the green seemed to stand out brighter than usual tonight. Sam grabbed a surprised Kurt by the arm. “Lets dance!” Not waiting for Kurt's response, he dragged him off to the makeshift dancefloor.

Rachel huffed and threw up her hands in defeat. “Of all the rotten luck!”

“Rachel,” Mercedes raised her eyebrow at her and wondered if she'd actually seen what had just happened. “I don't think our luck's so bad, look!” Sam and Kurt were on the dance floor and Kurt was beaming and giggling at Sam who was trying to make up ridiculous and over the top dance moves. And, Mercedes thought a little wistfully, it was like he only had eyes for Kurt.

After the song finished Tina, red faced and giggling from singing with Santana and Brittany, bounced over to them and took the seat Kurt just vacated.

“Hey guys,” she greeted cheerfully, “are you having a good New Year's? This party rocks, by the way!”

Rachel nodded and stood up when Finn stumbled over to them and gave him her seat on the small couch while she perched on his knee. His eyes were drooping and he looked ready to go to sleep. She couldn't help but smile at how childlike he looked when he was tired, she'd have to put him in her bed after midnight since she knew he'd never forgive her if she didn't keep him awake for that.

“So where have you guys been lately?” Tina slurred drunkenly, lulling her head from side to side to try and look at both girls. “Cause it seems like you two have always been busy, you know, whispering to each other and stuff.”

For the third time that night, Mercedes and Rachel's eyes met and a silent conversation seemed to pass between them.

“We've been playing matchmaker,” Mercedes replied, “to Kurt and Sam.” Well, maybe they could ask her help, an extra person wouldn't hurt.

Tina gaped at them in shock. “Wait, what?”

“Oh come on, don't you see it?” Rachel leaned forward, badgering because it was impossible not to see how much they liked each other. From underneath her, Finn blinked tiredly and squinted in the direction of his brother and friend. With Mercedes prompting her, not that she needed to, Rachel happily told Tina everything that had happened over the past three weeks, starting from the incident they'd accidentally stumbled upon in the library and working her way up to tonight.

“Uh guys?” Tina interrupted her mid-explanation. Rachel and Mercedes followed the line of Tina's finger to see what she was pointing at.

Mouths hanging open in shock, they watched as Sam and Kurt held each other closely and slow danced under lights that had suddenly become much dimmer and the disco ball Kurt had brought over earlier that day. Neither seemed to notice that they weren't alone or that Brittany and Santana, and Rory and Sugar were on the dance floor too. Their foreheads rested against each other and both wore love struck smiles, Kurt's arms wrapped around Sam's neck and Sam's hands rested on Kurt's waist. Rachel couldn't help but be happy for them, and maybe drag Finn up there she could have a slow dance tonight too.

“They've been dating for a while guys.”

They whipped around to face Tina, mouths still agape and Finn sat up, suddenly much more awake.

“What? How didn't we notice? Why didn't they tell us?” Rachel spluttered.

She shrugged. “Probably because you've been too busy trying to set them up? Anyway, when I spoke to Kurt before he was saying that they've really wanted to tell you guys, especially Mercedes, but he didn't want to seem like a bad friend.”

This made no sense. “Wh - what? How would he be like a bad friend?” Rachel asked then reconsidered, “Granted he's been hiding a secret from us so he might be referring to that but considering we have been busy trying to set him up with his boyfriend...”

Mercedes shook her head, as if that could clear it of her confusion. “Yeah, I don't get it. Why are we supposed to think he's a bad friend?”

Tina rolled her eyes. “Oh you know, maybe the fact that Mercedes sang a love song to his boyfriend in glee club a couple of weeks ago.”

Simultaneously, Rachel and Mercedes let out a groan. “Oh God.”

Tina continued over the girls groaning and shaking their heads in their hands. “Yeah, he probably thinks you're still into Sam and feels like he's betraying you, you know?”

Suddenly Rachel looked up, horrified, as if she'd had an epiphany. “Mercedes,” she whispered, looking at the other girl.

Mercedes shook her head, the same thought occuring to her too. “The fight.”

Tina snapped up at that, eager to learn any new gossip. “What fight?”

Mercedes ignored her and whimpered, “Oh no!”

“What have we done?” Rachel asked. Grabbing Finn's hand she pulled him off the couch and with Mercedes they went to speak with Kurt and Sam.

Rachel almost hated to break Kurt and Sam apart, since it was what she'd been striving to achieve all this time, but she did. Making a quick detour to switch on the light (it was almost midnight so they'd need to turn them off again soon) to the protests of the other occupants in the room. She had to make things right between them, well for her, they could probably go on happily not knowing she and Mercedes had tried to play matchmaker with them.

“Kurt, Sam,” said Rachel and the two boys broke apart, blushing when they saw their friends. “I'm sorry for interrupting like this but we only want a few moments of your time.”

Kurt smiled brightly. “Look, I already made progress in our little match making plans with Sugar and Rory! I told him to go ask her to dance.”

Ignoring the dancing Irish kid and freshman, Mercedes decided to just come out with it. “We know you two are dating.”

The two stood stock still, stunned by what she'd just revealed.

Unsure what to do with them, Kurt's hands fluttered at his side nervously before they came up to tuck a lock of hair out of his face that had fallen out of his perfectly styled 'do. “Okay,” he glanced nervously towards Mercedes, then Sam, and seemed undecided as to whether he should step closer.

“Kurt,” Mercedes said, seeing that her being there was stressing Kurt out, “Tina just told us, it's cool.”

“I'm sorry,” he whispered, “I've been wanting to tell you, both of you. I've been wanting to tell you since we got together but...”

Mercedes nodded, “but the Christmas song, we know.”

“That's our fault, actually,” Rachel confessed sheepishly.

“We've, um, been trying to set you two up,” Mercedes explained, “and we wanted to make you jealous enough that you'd go after Sam, so we thought if you saw there was a little competition.”

“Looking back, it wasn't the best plan...” Rachel conceded.

Sam and Kurt gaped at them. “You've been trying to set us up?” Sam asked in disbelief.

“Well yes, you really seemed to like each other but it looked like you were too shy to do anything.”

“And now we know why.”

“You stopped sitting with each other though!” Rachel exclaimed, confused.

Sam wrapped an arm around Kurt, pulling him into a one-armed, protective hug. “Yeah, someone broke into our lockers a couple of weeks ago and left these poems in them that Kurt was helping me with for class. We kinda thought they'd found out about us, and we'd only just gotten together, like that day...” He looked at Mercedes pleadingly and she nodded to show she got that he hadn't been cheating on her.

Kurt picked up where Sam left off. “So I decided we should keep as far apart as possible, and they wouldn't suspect and say something that could potentially out Sam before he was ready.”

Rachel let out a soft groan. “They were from us! We were trying to send secret admirer type notes so you'd think you'd sent them to each other.”

Kurt seemed torn between being both horrified and as if it was the sweetest gesture someone had ever done for him.

“I'm sorry!” Mercedes apologised for what felt like the millionth time that night.

Sam stared at them both, aghast. “You broke into our lockers, how?”

“We had Puck help get the locker combinations, it's why we had this party tonight, I said I'd throw it if he'd help us,” Rachel explained guiltily.

Puck, who was watching the whole exchange with Quinn on the other side of the room, shook his head in amusement.

Finn apparently couldn't keep quiet any longer. “But dude, I'm your brother! Why didn't you tell me?”

“Finn, no offence but you aren't very good at keeping secrets,” Kurt said with a meaningful look, “and I didn't want Rachel knowing until I was ready to tell her.”

“Wait, wait!” Rachel waved her hands for them to stop. “That's the part I don't get, why didn't you want me to know? I understand that you thought Mercedes still liked Sam which is why you didn't tell her but why not me?”

“It's sort of why we didn't tell Mercedes either,” started Kurt.

Sam took a deep breath, then said, “I'm gay. Kurt's been helping me figure myself out since I returned but I wasn't ready to come out to everyone.” He turned to Mercedes with pleading eyes, “and I wanted to tell you personally because I didn't want you to think... But then you sang that song to me in glee club and I didn't know how to say it.”

Mercedes hugged them both. “I'm glad you could tell me now though and that everything ended up okay.”

Kurt gave a teary smile, “I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.”

“Me too,” Rachel sniffled, joining in on the hug.

Artie, who still had the microphone from his turn, boomed, “oi, give me some of that sugar!” The rest of the club eventually joining in on the hug.

After that, everyone went back to what they'd been doing until Artie, who was closest to where Rachel had set up her iPod, paused the song and grabbed the mic from the abandoned karaoke machine. “Hold up, y'all! It's almost midnight, you know what that means!”

Rachel waved her hand at Mike, who was near the switch, and hissed, “dim the lights!”

The lights turned low so that the disco ball in the centre of the room reflected light on all of them and Artie pressed a button on his watch so the screen lit up. “13, 12, 11...” more and more people joined in as the numbers decended until eventually they all chorused together.

10, 9, 8

Rachel hugged Finn around his waist, and gazed about the room at the rest of her fellow glee clubbers. She was excited to ring in the new year with her boyfriend and friends, who'd become like family to her.

7, 6, 5

In another corner stood Mercedes with Tina and Quinn, party poppers, streamers and confetti at the ready. They were all laughing and smiling at each other, that shiver of anticipation running through their bodies as the numbers gradually decreased. What would the new year bring? More solos? A Nationals title? She couldn't wait to see but what she was certain of was how happy it made her that she was ringing in the new year and Kurt wasn't mad at her.

4, 3, 2

Kurt and Sam stood together, arms wrapped around each other's waist, counting down the clock with everyone else and like everyone else they reflected on the year that was and the year to come. Old and new loves, and friends, titles won and lost, material possessions, family... Feeling the hand he was holding squeeze his, he squeezed back. Sam smiled at his boyfriend, happy that he could actually say that now - boyfriend. Looking into his eyes he knew that no matter what happened in the coming year, everything would be all right.



fandom: glee, char: kurt hummel, char: sam evans, otp: kum, fan fiction

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