Glee Kum fic - Whispered Conversations - 1/2

Dec 21, 2011 11:38

Title: Whispered Conversations

Word length: 16, 007

Recipient: Vickie/bleetinandmoanin

Summary: Rachel and Mercedes try to set up Kurt and Sam before the new year but their attempts don't always go according to plan.

Prompt: A story where Rachel and Mercedes play matchmaker to Kurt and Sam. Kurt has just broken up with Blaine, and coincidentally so has Sam with Mercedes (only Sam and Mercedes are still friends). They are both heartbroken over their recent breakups, but Mercedes and Rachel conspire to bring them together by New Year’s Eve.

Important note on context! - This fic disregards the events of 3x09 (because I planned and wrote it before the episode aired) and assumes S3 Samcedes get together (the second time around) much quicker then they actually do in the show. It also means I added certain things that were still spoilers at the time I wrote this fic and don't necessarily play out how they did in the show.

Disclaimer: The characters and other creative works mentioned in this fic don't belong to me but are the property of RIB, Fox and their respective owners.

For the Canoe Christmas gift exchange on tumblr. Also, I only finished writing this last night so it remains unbeta'd except for a quick check by me, so sorry for any glaring mistakes. And finally, happy holidays to everyone and I hope you enjoy your fic Vickie!


“Mercedes, it's Rachel. We have a situation on our hands,” Rachel spoke quickly into the phone trying to communicate the urgency of her call.

Busy concentrating on painting her nails, Mercedes sighed in exasperation, she was already feeling sad today and didn't have time for whatever drama was happening between Finn and Rachel this week. Besides it would probably blow over in a couple of days like it always did. “What is it this time, Rachel?”

Unaware of her friend's disinterested tone, Rachel continued. “It's Kurt. I'm worried about him, he hasn't been himself since he broke up with Blaine a couple of weeks ago. I've tried calling him but he never picks up, he hasn't been coming over for our weekly re-watch of classical musicals, and Mercedes,” she paused for dramatic effect, “he's worn the same outfit three times this week. Three!”

Mercedes paused what she was doing, the urgency in Rachel's voice suddenly making sense. She had a point; Kurt had been acting more withdrawn lately, he would avoid them and left straight after glee finished to go home. They'd hardly spent any time together, and instead he'd sit with Sam in glee and the other classes they shared together. “So what do you suggest we do?”

“Have a sleep over, of course!” Rachel replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

Mercedes laughed at her friend's enthusiastic tone. “Rachel, he hasn't been answering your calls and he's shut himself off from the rest of us, you even said he's been skipping on your musical nights,” she pointed out. “What makes you think he'll come to a sleepover?”

“Because how could he say 'no' to both of his best friends?”

Biting her lip, Mercedes looked at the picture of the three of them she'd stuck to her mirror and smiled sadly. Her boy had been looking really upset lately and she did miss it when all three of them would hang out together, besides maybe a sleepover would make her feel better too. “Okay.”

“Excellent!” And the two spent the rest of the evening deciding how best to convince Kurt.

Shutting the door of his locker, Kurt turned around to face the two girls behind him. “Okay I give in, what is it? You two have been standing there for the past couple of minutes staring at me and don't think I didn't catch you earlier whispering in glee club. So, what is it?”

Rachel bounced on the balls of her feet, radiating so much energy that Kurt glanced at Mercedes nervously, who beamed back at him. “We want to have a sleepover!” Said Rachel finally.

Kurt checked his watch and sighed, he needed to hurry or he'd be late but he knew why Mercedes and Rachel wanted to have this sleepover. He guiltily thought about how he hadn't spent any quality time with either of them over the past couple of weeks and that this needed to be fixed, so pasting a bright smile on his face he agreed, then quickly excused himself to go study.

Mercedes watched him go and muttered under he breath, “That was way too easy.”

“Absolutely,” Rachel nodded, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “It felt like he was trying to appease us so that he could leave quickly. Lets follow him.” And not waiting to hear what Mercedes thought she was off in the same direction as Kurt.

They followed him at a safe distance, peeking around corners first in case he turned around and saw them trailing after him. After a while they saw him go into the library.

“Well it looks like he actually did have to study,” said Mercedes, ready to turn back and go home.

“Wait!” Rachel grabbed her arm, “He could have studied at home if he wanted to: Finn's gone to Puck's house this afternoon, and I assume Sam went with them, which means the house is going to be empty. It's not like Kurt is here to avoid their noisiness then, so why did he come to the library?”

Rolling her eyes at Rachel's persistence Mercedes nodded and followed her into the library. Creeping behind the book cases, they saw him sitting down at a desk at the very back taking his books and pencil case out of his favourite navy blue canvas bag.

Unsurprised, Mercedes shrugged, “I guess Kurt was telling the truth after all.”

Rachel nodded, disappointed and a little hurt that Kurt really had left in a hurry because he apparently did want to get away from them.

Behind them foot steps approached from the same direction they had just arrived and the two girls leaned close to the book case as if it could swallow them up and they could hide from whoever was coming. Through the books there was a flash of blond hair and rosy cheeks. “Sam”, Rachel breathed out, glancing between him and Mercedes. He was staring at the ground intently, looking nervous and unsettled, taking deep calming breaths.

Hearing somebody behind him Kurt turned and smiled brightly when he saw who it was. “Sam!” He greeted cheerfully.

A small smile appeared on Sam's face. “Hey Kurt, sorry if I'm late.”

“No, no! I just arrived,” Kurt replied pulling out the chair next to him for Sam to sit and, as luck would have it, so that he would face Mercedes and Rachel.

Trying to get a closer look at what was happening, Rachel bit her lip then looked at Mercedes worriedly. “Sam... he doesn't look like his usual self, I wonder why? He's normally so happy.”

Mercedes laughed lightly and whispered back. “Knowing him, he's upset that he isn't at home reading his comic books or watching blue Pocahontas for the nine hundredth time.”

When the two girls turned back, Sam and Kurt had shifted their seats closer together and were leaning over the book Kurt had pulled out earlier.

“All right so have you picked out the three poems you want to analyse for class?”

“Not really,” Sam confessed with a sheepish grin. “I was kind of hoping you could help me with that. The language confuses me... but I sort of liked the poem Mrs. Davies read out in class today.”

“Okay, how about I start and then we can find the other two you need?” Sam nodded and Kurt began reading aloud.

“As an unperfect actor on the stage
Who with his fear is put besides his part,
Or some fierce thing replete with too much rage
Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart,
So I, for fear of trust, forget to say
The perfect ceremony of love's rite.
And in mine own loves strength seem to decay,
O'er-charged with burden of mine own love's might.
O let my books be then the eloquence
And dumb presagers of my speaking breast,”

Sam's crossed his arms and he rested his head on a fist to watch Kurt read. Captivated by his voice, Sam couldn't help but stare at the way Kurt's lips formed the words of the poem, the tip of his pink tongue darting out to moisten them every so often.

“Who plead for love, and look for recompense
More than that tongue that more hath more expressed.
O learn to read what silent love hath writ;
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit.”

Finished, Kurt stopped reading and cleared his throat, “Sam?” he asked.

Sam started, “Uh y-yeah, sorry what?”

Pursing his lips, Kurt tried not to be offended that Sam wasn't paying attention. “It looked like you weren't paying attention and I know poetry isn't really appreciated anymore but -”

“What?” Sam interrupted. “No way, dude! I liked the poem, it sounds nice and everything - especially when you read it cause you have such a nice voice - but it kinda confuses me.”

Kurt flushed at his compliment. “Thank you...” He opened his mouth then closed it again and again before deciding on what to say. “How about we find you another poem then?”

They flicked through the pages, until one caught Sam's eye and he pointed it out to Kurt.

“Oh, I see we're a little stuck in the sixteenth century. Sidney's Astrophil and Stella sonnet 16, good choice!” Kurt smiled encouragingly and pushed the book towards Sam, “did you want to take a turn at reading?”

Sam's naturally flushed cheeks turned a deeper red and he nodded, licking his lips and started reading.

As she watched them Rachel noticed that every time Sam stumbled over a word he would glance up at Kurt through his lashes, embarrassed, and Kurt would smile just a little wider nodding encouragingly or would helpfully correct him. When he finished the poem, Sam looked up at Kurt with a large, proud, goofy smile on his face.

Rachel was suddenly reminded of the proud look Finn gave her when he was finally able to hit that high note he'd been struggling with or worked out something on his own. She turned from the scene, feeling slightly voyeuristic, and tugged on Mercedes sleeve to indicate that they should leave.

When they were outside and walking towards her car she turned to Mercedes, realising how the scene must have looked to Sam's girlfriend. “Sam's an honest guy, Mercedes, he wouldn't -”

Sighing deeply, Mercedes shook her head for Rachel to stop. “I know he is, but I haven't been. We broke up a couple of days ago,” she confessed, “it wasn't working out. I didn't want to say anything because I was embarrassed that it still didn't work out after a second time.”

Hugging Mercedes comfortingly, Rachel smiled and rested her head on her friend's shoulder. “I'm sorry,” she whispered sadly, “how about we go to my house? I have two friends there called Ben and Jerry who'll be happy to keep us company while we cry over rom-coms.”

Laughing, Mercedes hugged her back. “That sounds awesome Rach, thanks.”

That Friday night Kurt, Mercedes and Rachel were sitting on Rachel's bed having just finished watching and singing along to The Sound of Music. Kurt was busy texting someone on his phone again, just as he had been all night, a small smile on his lips that didn't escape the notice of either girl.

Who? Rachel mouthed at Mercedes while Kurt was preoccupied.

As she was the closest to Kurt, Mercedes tried to peak at his phone surreptitiously, then shook her head at Rachel. I have no idea, she mouthed back.

“Who is it?” Rachel asked, curiosity getting the best of her when Kurt got another text, this one making him laugh out loud.

“Hmm? Oh Finn,” he answered with a smile still on his face, “he needs help with something.”

Mercedes didn't buy it, if he was helping his brother then Kurt would have sounded exasperated. “Then why are you smiling so much?”

“I uhh … he said - he said something funny.”

Mercedes opened her mouth to retort and seeing the situation escalating Rachel decided it was time to move on with her plans for the rest of the evening. She stood in front of them and cleared her throat. “Kurt, as we all know, Mercedes and I decided to have this little slumber party tonight to kick start your emotional healing. You've been upset and in a slump, which is completely understandable. I felt the same way after Finn and I broke up -”

“Rachel,” Mercedes intercepted, before she could go on too much of a tangent.

“Anyway, as I was saying,” Rachel continued, “its been a couple of weeks since we've seen you act like your normal self, and we wanted to do something to make you smile again. Which is why we planned tonight. We started with The Sound of Music, whose inspirational tale of a young nun helping a family come closer together through song and in the process finding love and,” she paused, glaring at Kurt and Mercedes who looked ready to interrupt her again, “escaping her home when it comes under Nazi threat.”

“Now onto the second part of our evening. Drum roll please!” Kurt and Mercedes drummed their hands on the closed pizza boxes. “I know how much you like to give make overs when you're sad so you have my permission to go through my closet - as nominated by Mercedes, as she seems to think mine is in greater need of help - and sort through what can stay and what can be thrown out.”

Kurt gasped in delight, clapping his hands together and hurried over to Rachel's closet, throwing open the doors and surveying it's contents. “Oh, this is going to need a lot of work.”

He reached inside, grabbing clothing off hangers and throwing them over the back of a nearby chair. “Who buys these, Rachel?”

“I - I do,” she replied, affronted.

“But why?”

Music sounded on the bed where Kurt had been sitting. All three looked to where Kurt's phone vibrated and lyrics started playing. “Imagine me and you, I do/ I think about you day and night/ It's only right...” Eyeing each other, all three leapt to grab it at the same time.

“Ah ha!” Cried Rachel, holding up the phone triumphantly and opening the message before Kurt snatched it away.

Cradling it to his chest, he glared at the two girls and raised an eyebrow at them. “Really?” They looked away guiltily. “I told you it was Finn, isn't that enough for you two?”

“I'm sorry Kurt,” Rachel replied, “I guess we're just curious who it is that's making you smile and laugh so much. And it can't be Finn,” she added as an afterthought, “his spelling isn't nearly as bad as whoever that is, nor does he use so much txtspeak.”

Kurt pursed his lips in annoyance. “He has dyslexia. It's hard enough for him anyway, he doesn't need your criticism. Not that its any of your business.”

Eyes widening, she shook her head and tried to backtrack. “I didn't -”

“Yes, you did.” He snapped.

“Wait,” interrupted Mercedes from where she'd been sitting on the bed watching the two bicker, “you've been texting Sam?”

They two quieted, Rachel looking at Kurt in surprise. “... yes,” he replied warily, “how did you know?”

Mercedes played with a loose thread. “I could never understand half the things he said in his messages.”

Kurt nodded understandingly. He knew how much patience was sometimes needed to decode one of Sam's messages, especially since he had sold his iPhone last year and his new one was such an old model it didn't even have autocorrect.

He realised how this situation must seem to Mercedes, her best friend sending secret messages to her boyfriend. It was a familiar feeling, being in her position more times than he felt comfortable thinking about. “I'm sorry 'Cedes, I promise it's nothing. It really is about Finn,” Kurt explained. “Sam was just telling me how they're playing a video game and Finn can't seem to get passed a certain point in it.”

Mercedes smiled, “Kurt, its okay. You're a good friend, I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. And Sam is his own man, he can do what he wants.” She and Rachel shared a glance, “he's not tied down to me, not tied down to anybody. We broke up about a week ago so he's single and can talk to whoever he wants.”

Coming around to hug her, Kurt whispered his apologies. “I'm sorry, I wish I'd been there. I wish I knew. We could have had ice-cream and watched silly movies together until you felt better.” Suddenly Mercedes and Rachel burst out laughing. “What?”

Rachel smiled and shook her head, jumping on the bed and joining them in the hug. “Nothing.”

That was how they stayed for a while, just lying near each other and talking. They Caught up on things they hadn't really spoken about in a long time. Until Kurt's phone rang, interrupting Rachel's long winded speech about glee club and how it could be better improved so they could win Nationals this year. Kurt looked at the caller ID, then tossed the phone aside and turned his attention back to the conversation.

“Kurt, you can take it if you want,” said Mercedes.

After a moments hesitation Kurt picked up his phone to redial the missed call. “I won't be a minute,” Kurt said, holding up a finger.

The girls nodded and watched him go before Rachel turned to Mercedes. “We should set him up with someone.”

“What? Rachel, that's crazy!” Said Mercedes with a shake of her head. “He's just getting over Blaine and besides, how many gay guys do you know around here? The last time he found one he had to travel two hours away!”

That was true, and whoever they set him up with he had to know. They couldn't just pick a random boy off the street and force them together because they were the only two gay boys in Lima. Although there weren't that many gay boys for them to choose from. Other than Blaine there really was no one. And no one that was good enough for Kurt. He deserved someone that would make him happy, who looked at him the way Rachel often caught Finn looking at her. He deserved someone like... someone like -

“How about Sam?” Mercedes suggested and Rachel gaped. That was weird, had Mercedes read her mind? Was Mercedes in her right mind? Did she realise she was suggesting setting up her recent ex-boyfriend with her best friend? “I get it Rach.” And Rachel realised she must have been thinking out loud. “But Sam... he looks at Kurt - when we were at the library you saw the way he looked at Kurt, he never looked at me that way. And didn't you see how much Kurt laughed just from the texts they were sending each other?”

“Okay.” She agreed, lacing her fingers with Mercedes' and her friend squeeze back. “So we need to set them up by a certain date, that way we have a goal in mind and we can correctly plan everything ahead.”

“How about New Year's Eve?” Mercedes suggested, “It's romantic right? They'll have someone to kiss at midnight and start the new year with.”

“Yes! It'll be like a new year and a new beginning!” She knew she should leave it at that but doubt plagued her mind. “Are you sure? We don't have to do this. We -”

“Rachel, its fine,” Mercedes laughed, bumping their shoulders together. “It was me who broke up with him anyway, okay so don't worry.”

“What are we not worrying about?” Asked Kurt as he walked into the room.

He lay down on the bed again, getting comfortable. “Oh um, Rachel was just worrying about how much of her wardrobe you were going to throw away...” Mercedes lied.

“Oh yes!” Kurt hopped up and clapped his hands together, “thank you for reminding me. Our little make-over.” He ran over to Rachel's cupboard and continued where he'd left off, sorting through her clothes.

While his back was turned Rachel glared at Mercedes. “I didn't know what to say,” she hissed.

Sighing in exasperation, Rachel got up to make sure Kurt didn't throw away everything she owned.

That Monday at school Rachel made her way to the choir room after class. Since she'd come back from her suspension she'd been putting in extra work, trying to make up for everything she missed and that included glee club. First though, she had to find Mercedes to put the first step of their plan into action.

She found her sitting in the cafeteria with Artie, Tina, Mike, Rory and Kurt. She looked around to find the other glee clubbers since normally they all sat together at lunch but today apparently they had decided to sit far away on the opposite side of the cafeteria. Puck, Finn, Brittany, Santana, Quinn and Sugar were all talking animatedly with each other but Sam was pointedly not looking in the direction of the table where Rachel currently was.

No one seemed to pay attention to the new seating arrangement and were busy listening to the boys discuss a game night at Artie's house since his parents were apparently buying him a new game console for Christmas.

“Hey Kurt, Finn already said he can come,” Artie said, “but do you think you can ask Sam if he can too?”

Kurt slammed down the bottle of water he'd been drinking from and snapped, “ask him yourself since he might listen to you!” Then he got up from his seat and stormed out angrily.

The group sat stunned at Kurt's sudden outburst and quick departure before Tina broke the silence. “Whoa, what was that about?”

“I have no idea.”

“Beats me.”

“Hell if I know.”

They all turned to Rachel and she held up her hands. “Don't look at me! I know as much as the rest of you.”

“They live together, don't they?” Asked Tina and the others nodded, “maybe Sam spilt something and stained Kurt's clothes?”

The others murmured in agreement and went back to talking while Rachel leaned close to Mercedes. “We need to talk,” she whispered.

Mercedes nodded and got up, following Rachel out of the cafeteria and into the nearest girls toilets. Banging the doors open to check they couldn't be overheard, Rachel turned to Mercedes. “So just to be sure, tomorrow morning we're going ahead with step one in our plan, right?” Mercedes nodded and Rachel continued, “Okay, my writing is too recognisable and you've always been good at drawing so this is what I need you to write.” Rachel took a slip of paper out of her pocket and handed it to her. That was when the bell rang and they left to go to their next class.

After classes finished for the day Rachel went to meet Finn by his locker. He was busy looking through it for something so with a grin Rachel snuck up behind him and placed her hands of his eyes. “Guess who?”

“Huh? Rachel?” He turned with a smile, and Rachel's heart leapt at the sight. “Hey.”

Leaning up to kiss him, she answered, “Hey, how was your day?”

He closed his locker and took her hand, entwining their fingers together and they walked outside towards his car. “Yeah it was awesome, Puck told me this awesome joke at lunch...”

Lunch? That was right, Finn had sat with Puck at lunch because Sam and Kurt were apparently mad at each other, a flaw in her otherwise brilliant plan. “Finn,” she asked when he was finished, “has something happened at home with Sam?” When he furrowed his brows in confusion Rachel elaborated, “he and Kurt seemed upset at each other today and I was wondering if something had happened at home.”

Finn shrugged as they reached his car and he opened the passenger door for her. “I don't know but now that you mention it, they've been avoiding each other all weekend. Don't worry,” he smiled at her and started the car, pulling out of his parking spot. “Whatever it is they'll probably work it out by tomorrow. If they fight over something at home they never really stay mad at each other for too long.”

Finn was right, whatever it was they were mad about blew over by the next morning when Mercedes met Rachel by her locker. Sam and Kurt were walking down the hallway together laughing over something. The girls smiled and waved at them as they walked passed. When they were out of sight Rachel opened her locked and pulled two red roses out of her bag, and put them inside then looked over at Mercedes.

“Did you bring the notes?”

Mercedes nodded. “Yeah.” She pulled them out of her folder and handed them to Rachel.

“Good!” Opening the first she read over with the messy handwriting and squealed, hugging Mercedes. “I can't believe you changed the name to Kurt! Why didn't I think of that? It's perfect!” She rolled the note around the stem of one of the roses and tied it with a red ribbon. Then opened the other which was written neater and clearer, scanning it's contents with an appraising eye.

“So, you think Sam will get it?” Mercedes asked as Rachel rolled the note around the other rose and tied it off with a white ribbon.

She placed the two flowers into her bag and shut her locker. “Of course, we saw them studying it last week. Oh good,” she stepped away from her locker and spoke to someone over Mercedes' shoulder, “you're on time.”

Mercedes turned to see who it was, and saw Puck sauntering up to them.

Puck smiled as he approached and put an arm around their shoulders, “hello ladies. Berry, what's the deal? Why'd you want me to meet you here before class?”

“I need you to break into the administration office and find the locker combination for Kurt and Sam,” she said.

Puck raised an eyebrow skeptically, leaning against the lockers. “Why?”

Prepared for this exact question she lied, “Kurt left some things at my house the other night which I need to urgently leave in his locker.” Then patted her bag to suggest that they were in there.

“Okay, why Sam's though?” He questioned.

Crap, she hadn't come up with an excuse for that. Luckily Mercedes swooped in to pick up where she left off. “He has some things of mine in his locker that I need to get. It's urgent.” She added.

They smiled, hoping he would accept their poorly thought out lies and leave it at that.

Glancing back and forth between the two of them suspiciously, he nodded his agreement. “Okay fine, but what do I get out of it?”

Rachel sighed in annoyance, they were wasting time and at this rate she was going to miss first period instead of just being late. “My dads are going to Columbus for New Year's Eve. If you do this for us, I'll have another party.”

He nodded, “That was a pretty awesome party. Okay then, but you're going to have to help me distract Figgins's secretary.”

“I already have a plan for that.” She started walking towards the office, “we're going to use my incredible acting skills to fake a sickness. Since Figgins has made cut backs and fired the school nurse, his secretary has been filling that role too which means her office will be completely empty while you find the proper information.”

As they walked towards the office ahead of Puck, Mercedes leaned in to ask, “what would you have done if he'd said no?”

“The same thing, I would have played the ailing patient while I had you break into her office.”

Mercedes gaped and was about to argue except Rachel ducked into the girls bathroom. She exchanged a look with Puck, who shrugged and they waited outside before Rachel emerged a couple of minutes later looking sickly and pale, and covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

“One of the first things you must learn if you want to be in theatre,” she said, “is how to do your own stage make-up.”

Puck raised his eyebrows, impressed. “Wow, must be some thing if you're putting this much effort breaking into their lockers, like wouldn't it just be easier asking them.”

Ignoring him, Rachel marched on in determination. As they neared the administrator's office Rachel put up a hand for them to stop. “Puck, I want you to wait around the corner until we lead Mrs. Bates away, then go and do your thing. Mercedes, support me.” And with that she started coughing and wheezing, wrapping Mercedes' arm around her shoulder. Getting the hint, Mercedes started patting her arm and murmuring soothing words in her ear.

“Mrs. Bates,” said Mercedes upon entering the office, “Rachel wasn't feeling well. I think she might need to lie down.” On queue Rachel gave a loud, painful moan to emphasise how sick she was feeling.

“Oh no! Just look at you. Come on, lets get you to sickbay and check you out.” Scurrying around her desk, Mrs. Bates hurried them out of her office and locked the door behind her.

The hallway was empty except for the sound of Rachel's coughing and wheezing which grew softer the further away they moved. Slowly and casually, Puck meandered around the corner until he reached the office door. Cursing when he found it locked, he dug around in his pockets until he found his picklock. He'd owned it for years, one of the first things he'd stolen when he'd seen in movies that it was a better way of breaking into something then just breaking glass.

Leaning down he twisted the two metal instruments around until he heard the familiar click and the door to the office easily opened. He walked over to her desk, sitting in the chair and finding a whole row of folders with labels on the sides. Was there one which said “locker combinations for every kid at this stupid school”? Fuck… This was going to take a while. He hoped Berry could keep up her charade long enough for him to find what he was looking for.

In another room not too far from the admin office Rachel and Mercedes were finding it slightly harder then they'd anticipated to keep Mrs. Bates preoccupied. Apparently after taking Rachel's temperature and finding it normal, her decision was just to give Rachel a couple of pain killers. This left Rachel on the bed, clutching her stomach and moaning while Mercedes continued to rub her back and pleading. “But Mrs. Bates, she's sick. Can't you do something? Like, I don't know, ring her dads.”

“She does't even have a temperature!” Mrs. Bates cried, hands on her hips.

Mercedes spluttered, “what if it's a head cold? They're contagious and she can't stay at school, what if everyone gets sick?”

Mrs. Bates sighed and rubbed her temples tiredly. “Fine, fine. I'll just be back in a minute, let me go find Berry's emergency contact number and ring someone to pick her up.”

“NO!” Shouted the girls in unison.

The secretary turned nurse stopped and raised an eyebrow at the two girls, curiously. “Uh I - I know my dad's number,” Rachel stammered, then coughed again for good measure lest her performance seem unbelievable. “No need to go look for information unnecessarily.”

Mrs. Bates nodded, watching them skeptically and walked over to the phone by the nurse's desk. She picked up the receiver and motioned for Rachel to start reciting the number. The two girls exchanged a look, this was not how it was supposed to go and Rachel did not want to miss a day of classes because of this. And what was taking Puck so long?

As if on queue, Puck walked by the open office door with a slip of paper grasped between his middle and index fingers then waved it at them with a wink. Mrs. Bates put down the phone and the girls snapped to attention. “Okay Berry, sit tight, your dad will be here asap to pick you up. Jones, you can go back to class, I think Berry's old enough to sit by herself.”

Mercedes hesitated but Rachel shook her head and mouthed, “go.”

Rachel continued to lay on the bed, waiting for Mrs. Bates to close the partition and hear the sound of the sickbay door shutting behind her. When she was sure she was alone, she picked up her bag and - checking that the coast was clear - slipped out of the room.

“Mercedes,” she hissed into the silent hallway.

A head peaked around the corner and Mercedes trotted up to Rachel. “I had to promise to pay Puck forty dollars to leave and not say anything to Kurt or Sam,” she explained when Rachel asked where he'd gone.

“Oh, I'll pay half.”

“Duh,” Mercedes muttered and they hurried along the halls towards Kurt's locker since it was closer. She took out the slip of paper Puck had given her and read out the numbers quietly to Rachel. They held their breath, expecting it not to work but Rachel gave a little tug and with a click it easily opened for them. Taking out the right flower, she quickly stood it in the centre against Kurt's books where he would easily see it and closed the locker. Then they hurriedly rushed to Sam's locker to repeat the same action before they parted ways; Rachel back to sickbay to be collected by her father and Mercedes to class.

Mercedes was waiting by the door when Kurt exited class.

“Where were you?” He asked as they headed towards his locker so he could swap books for his next class.

“Rachel was feeling sick, so I took her to the nurse.” Which was true. Sort of.

Kurt looked doubtful. “She seemed fine when I saw you two this morning.”

Mercedes panicked, crap - he'd noticed. “Uh... It was real sudden, it's probably that bug that's been going around.” Kurt didn't look convinced. “She had to go home, and you know how much Rachel hates missing out on school. Remember that time when she lost her voice?”

Kurt nodded, brows furrowed in concern. “How could I forget? That horrible rendition of The Climb will be seared into our memories for a long time.” Good, so he'd believed her then. “I think I'll take her some home made chicken soup tonight.”

Oh jeez, why did no one ever let anything be? Now she'd have to think of an excuse for him not to go, or give Rachel a heads up. Right now though, they were standing in front of Kurt's locker and he was about to open it and find the note. Mercedes could barely contain her excitement, but she had to keep a straight face or else Kurt would know something was up and she had something to do with it.

“Hey Kurt, Mercedes.” A voice greeted from beside them.

Kurt's face lit up. “Sam!”

“Hey Sam,” said Mercedes.

Sam leaned against a locker. “I figured I'd come meet you guys here since we all have class together next.”

Kurt smiled and opened his locker, then paused. When a couple of moments has passed and he still didn't react, Sam asked with a frown, “Is something wrong?”

That seemed to startle Kurt of his stupor and with a shaky hand he reached inside his locker and plucked out the rose. “What is this?” He whispered curiously.

“Wait, you got one too?” Sam asked and pulled out his rose from his bag, the note rolled around it once more with a hastily tied ribbon. “What does yours say?”

Kurt untied the ribbon and unrolled the note, reading aloud:

“In nature apt to like when I did see
Beauties, which were of many carats fine,
My boiling sprites did thither soon incline,
And, Love, I thought that I was full of thee:
But finding not those restless flames in me,
Which others said did make their souls to pine,
I thought those babes of some pin's hurt did whine,
By my love judging what love's pain might be.
But while I thus with you with this young lion played,
Mine eyes (shall I say cursed or blessed) beheld
Kurt; now he is named, need more to be said?
In his sight I a lesson new have spelled,
I now have learned love right, and learned even so,
As who by being poisoned doth poison know.”

Kurt dropped the note as if he'd been burnt. “What is this?” He echoed his earlier sentiment but this time much more horrified than curious.

“I don't know,” Sam frowned, picking up the note. “Mine has that poem you helped read for me in the library last week. So you didn't write my note?” Kurt shook his head and Sam paled, looking panicked.

Whatever Sam was apparently thinking, so was Kurt. “I'm guessing you didn't write this either?” He started to tear up. “What if this is all some big joke? What if someone saw us studying in the library and broke into our lockers and are bullying us now? This was supposed to end last year. This year was supposed to be different but it's just the same!”

Mercedes watched them, feeling worse and worse. This wasn't supposed to happen, Kurt was supposed to be bouncing excitedly, thinking it was Sam who'd written the note. She resisted the urge to bang her head against the nearest locker, why did Sam decide to come meet them at Kurt's locker? Why was this not working out like they'd planned?

Sam looked more panicked the more teary Kurt became. “Hey Kurt, shh shh! It's okay,” he led Kurt to a fountain, rubbing his back soothingly. “It's cool dude, look we'll just go to Mrs. Bates and see if we can get different locks for our lockers.”

While Sam continued comforting Kurt, Mercedes took out her phone to text Rachel. bad news, she wrote, they found the roses & they think some1 is bullying them.

Her phone vibrated almost immediately. How?! The plan was perfect.

we broke in 2 their locker, Mercedes replied, how do u think?

Okay fine, said Rachel, ring me tonight. I have another plan.

Alrite, and remembering what Kurt said earlier she added, jsyk kurt said he's going 2 urs tonite with soup.

“Hey Mercedes, you ready to go?” Asked Sam. Kurt had calmed down, gone to wash his face and collected his books and was standing ready for class.

Putting her phone away, she nodded and joined them. “You know, I don't think you need to change your lockers or anything. Like, it could just be a harmless prank. I mean, they put roses, isn't that romantic?”

“And they broke into our lockers. I don't care how harmless it was, I'm not taking that chance again,” said Kurt as they entered their next class and sat down in his usual seat. Today though, instead of Sam taking a seat next to him like he normally did he left a space for Mercedes and sat the next seat over.

Damn it, Mercedes' thought as the teacher entered and class began, this was not how the plan was supposed to go.

Part Two

fandom: glee, char: kurt hummel, char: sam evans, otp: kum, fan fiction

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