[Review] Honey Coloured Pancakes - Keiko Kinoshita

Jun 09, 2011 21:33

Today is one of my most recent acquired yaoi....

Honey Colored Pancakes
(Mitsuiro Pancakes)

Mangaka: Keiko Kinoshita
Publisher: June
Price: 11.95 AUD
Bookstore: Bookdepository

Genre:  Light yaoi, romance, slice of life
My most favourite moment: "...Practising submission techniques" (3rd story)

Rate (out of 5):
Plot: 3
Drawing: 3

A neat collection of sweet and gentle love stories of grown-up men, a sweet-tooth actor and a patisserie, two best friend with an unrequited love, a newly couple who are awkward in expressing their love and finally, my most favourite, a stout-faced working man with the young master.

Kinoshita-sensei might not have the polish, eye-catching drawing style but her stories always leave me with a warm and fluffy feelings. The story in this book are typical in yaoi world , the characters are pretty stereotype as well. The space is gentle and slow, but there are moment that just  tuck your heart naturally or make you giggle

This book make an nice addition to my collection, it is not one of my most favourite but one that I will definitely feel incomplete without


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