Just let it go

May 06, 2009 12:25

I would like to tell you all a story. For my undergrad, I went to an engineering school. There was one of those urban legends that might be real that circulated around campus about one of the engineering courses. You were separated into teams, given a task and then had to design and build a machine to perform the task. At the end of the semester, a competition was held to demonstrate that the machine performed the task. Points were given for design, creativity, etc. The biggest points came from having your machine actually do the task.

Professors would often look at the machines a few days before the competition to give feedback and to check out the designs. The machines were not to be demonstrated on that day. Only looked at. One professors was notorious for wanted to see the machine do something. Often he would fiddle with the machines until something happened, often breaking the machine in the process. This absolutely horrified the students who would then have only a few days to fix whatever was wrong. This professor was always apologetic, and yet insisted on doing this, even having been told repeatedly not to touch the machine

One year, some students built a machine and included a shiny red button. They put their machine out. The professor in question came buy and seeing the button, pressed it. A light bulb went off. It made the professor happy because he got to see some of what the machine did before anyone else. It made the students happy because their machine wasn't broken. They'd installed the button on purpose. The whole point of it was to light up the light bulb to make this professor and keep him from doing any more damage.

Sometimes it is worth it to fight my adviser about things in my thesis. A fact is a fact is a fact. Just because he doesn't like the fact does not make it any less of a fact, and I should be ready to support and defend that.

And sometimes, I just need to make the change so the light bulb lights up and he feels like he has done something.

I keep telling myself that as I work my way through my 18 page thesis proposal and have to rewrite nearly half of the damn thing. -_-

school, thesis, bitching

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